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This is how to write examples and pages right:

Tropin' Around Town is the official Novelization of TV Tropes, using both real users and original characters. It was written by Lucas Blake Ashton and was released on July 14th, 2023.

It was done by Writing by the Seat of Your Pants, and took at least one month to get out the first draft, as it started writing in May 2022, while though Word of Saint Paul it was said that the final version took 2 weeks to finish, and was completed in March 2023, while up to it's release, minor changes like character names and other aspects were altered.

Tropin' Around Town contains examples of (also including Trivia, YMMV and Fridge examples cause why not):

  • Alice and Bob: Yep, they're here in this novel, in fact, there is at least one hypothetical character for every letter of the alphabet!
  • Novelization: Of This Very Wiki as a whole, but is taken a step further as it uses real users and original characters, including, of course, Alice and Bob.
  • Visual Pun: Played With in the illustrated version. There is quite a lot of them in the illustrations, here are a few examples of them.

This is NOT how to write examples and pages (horrible writing ahead):
