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Running Gag / Archer

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  • Whenever Archer suspects Lana to have feelings for him, he feels compelled to inform her that she has entered the DAAAYNJA ZOOOONE.
  • Archer trying to get someone (usually Lana) who is evidently and purposely ignoring him to respond to a minor comment he's just made:
    Archer: Lana.
    Lana: *Pointedly ignoring him*
    Archer (more firmly): LANA.
    Lana: *Still ignoring him*
    Archer (screaming): LAAAAANNAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
    Lana (exasperated): WHAT?!
    Archer (in a normal voice): Danger Zone!
  • Lana's big and strong man hands.
  • Archer's elaborate voice mail greeting pranks that make people think he's in at first, only to realize he's not later. This doesn't help at all when people try to help him on his missions and end up getting pranked.
  • Brett gets accidentally shot or hit by ricochets a lot (in one instances, the bullet ricochets all the way downstairs). At least he dies doing "what he loves".
  • Carol's fetish for getting the SHIT choked out of her.
  • The absolutely disgusting state of the carpets at ISIS. "Because that's how you get ants."
  • "Barry, you ass!"
  • "Phrasing!"
  • Archer vomiting when someone mentions his mother's sexual activities.
  • Archer never reading the dossiers before missions. Although he claims to have skimmed it once before one. Due to him having mission success without reading them, it's unlikely that he ever will.
