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  • Arc Words: The title. It's the question which has consumed Osiris and left him an empty wreck just living for the next battle.
  • Blood Knight: Osiris. At first.
    Ajax: Until all you can look to is the next battle, that next war. That will be all that drives you forward. Only rage and hate and blood. Because anything else... anything more... simply hurts too much.
  • The Cameo: Maybe Strom and Nova. It's left unclear whether it actually was them.
  • Continuity Nod: Several. Dracul Samhain is mentioned throughout, quotes from Ajax, Tytania, Isis, Ragna, Strom and Azazel show up too. The Dramon Super-Soldier project is mentioned as the source of one of the monsters Osiris fought and killed in the past.
  • Cue the Sun: In the ending, symbolizing Osiris letting go of his guilt and the past, and looking to the bright future.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: That white-clad Digimon at the end who ultimately gives Osiris the lecture which breaks him out of his Heroic BSoD? That's Adirael Armaros, and he'll be in tSI, the continuation of the Civil War/Dark Reign universe.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Even after his death, Dracul Samhain is known as the Black King by most, ala Lord Voldemort. Osiris is the only living character in-fic to use his true name.
  • Fallen Hero: Osiris serves as this throughout, and the whole thing arguably is about him finding a way to get back up again.
  • Implacable Man: The Reapermon, which gives the Black Knight a run for his money. It survives being beheaded!
  • Ironic Echo: Between Dark Reign and the fic, Ajax's words take on different meanings to Osiris:
    But the names... the names will be the worst. When all others praise and exalt those names, cheering them for all to hear, the names will cut into your soul. Their very utterance will bring about a rage you have never known. You will come to hate their names and hate the world. But more than that, you will come to hate yourself. Until all you can look to is the next battle, that next war. That will be all that drives you forward. Only rage and hate and blood. Because anything else... anything more... simply hurts too much.
  • It's All My Fault: Osiris blames himself for the deaths in Dark Reign.
  • Precision F-Strike: Mostly due to the fact when it was being written, Word of God states he realized he hadn't justified PG-13 and so pulled this trope to justify the rating.
  • Running Gag: While not exactly a gag, the fic continues storymasterb's trends of ending each installment of the CW-verse with silhouettes of the dead appearing on the sun.
  • Ship Tease: This is the fic which really started to lather on the hints about Osiris and Tytania.
  • Shout-Out: Adirael dresses like Ezio Auditore and drops both a line from the man himself, and one of the iconic lines from the series, 'nothing is true, everything is permitted'. In Italian, nonetheless!
  • Sinister Scythe: Wielded by the Reapermon in the opening fight.
  • These Hands Have Killed: Much of Osiris's issues stem from his feelings of responsibility and guilt regarding the deaths of the Dark Reign which happened under his leadership.
  • Worthy Opponent: The Darkdramon Super-Soldier mentioned seemed to regard Osiris as this, and there are some indications Osiris felt the same.
