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Roleplay / Self Insert Hell

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"Kay thanks bye."
Nameless, Self Insert Hell: Dead on Arrival

Self Insert Hell is a fanmade Danganronpa roleplay hosted and modded on discord by Lumi, DNA, Vincent, and Tenko. Self Insert Hell currently has three roleplays under the names Self Insert Hell: Dead on Arrival, Self Insert Hell: Ride to Despair, and Self Insert Hell: Resurrecting False Hope.

This page itself was created by a friend of the hosts and participator the series, of whom goes by Ene but also known by Lily.

Self Insert Hell, also known as SIH, is exactly how it's described. It's a discord roleplay that first started with self insert OC's soon enough becoming a full fledged story with more than just self inserts with three parts to the story and more than likely more.


    open/close all folders 

    Dead On Arrival 



Mun: Ene

Lily is a character in Self Insert Hell: Dead on Arrival. She is a participant of a killing game. They survived the killing game and managed to escape with the other survivors.


.. and so on.


Mun: Kip

Sasha is a character in Self Insert Hell: Dead on Arrival. She is a participant of the killing game, and ended up being a murderer.


    Ride To Despair 

    Resurrecting False Hope 
