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Roleplay / Cumberholmes Role Play Twitter Community

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Cumberholmes: How am I tuning my violin and Tweeting at the same time, I hear you ask. Because I'm Sherlock Holmes & I can do ANYTHING.

@dilestrade I'm just saying. The enemy of my enemy's henchman is my henchfriend.

This is a page for the Cumberholmes Role-Playing Game, a Fan Work featured exclusively on Twitter. There is a LiveJournal that accompanies this community which can be found here. Based on the Mini Series Sherlock, this RP has expanded beyond the featured BBC cast to include some of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Canon characters, such as Tobias Gregson and one of the Baker Street Irregulars (a group of employed Street Urchins who are all Conveniently an Orphan) named Wiggins. For the uninitiated, an excellent summation of the history and relationships of most of the characters in the RP can be found here.

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This roleplay provides examples of:

  • Enfant Terrible: Jim Moriarty tarted his reign of terror as a youth with the horrible, virtually untraceable murder of Carl Powers; the adorable part is potentially disputable, however.
  • Love Dodecahedron: The constantly-breaking-and-reforming relationships, crushes, and flirtations in this RP require graphs to understand.
  • Sherlock Scan: Sherlock; he knows your name, age, weight, blood type, and favorite flavour of icecream at a glance.
    Cumberholmes @irene_adlr_nrtn I can list everything you've touched and how often you've washed your hands over the last 24hrs by tasting your fingers.
