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Referenced By / The Oprah Winfrey Show

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Fan Works

Films — Live-Action

  • In Ghostbusters (2016), Patty references Oprah Winfrey when she brings the hearse to their headquarters.
    Patty: You get a car! And you get a car! And you get a car!!
  • In Nope, the protagonists refer to their hypothetical perfect photo of an alien that would bring them fame and fortune as “the Oprah shot”.


  • In Harmony (2016), Alexandra sees Jenny McCarthy on Oprah, claiming that vaccines cause autism. Alexandra is annoyed with her for promoting such bad science, but she can understand the appeal.

Live-Action TV

Western Animation

  • In the Gravity Falls episode "The Stanchurian Candidate", Bud's "You get fifty per cent off! You get fifty per cent off! You get fifty per cent off!" is done in a manner that's an obvious riff on the famous episode where Winfrey gave everyone in her studio audience a free car.
  • The Simpsons: In "Husbands and Knives", a newly successful gym owner Marge goes on an Oprah Expy named Opal, where she then asks the host when her boyfriend Straightman was going to pop the question, which she [Opal] deflected by giving out expensive German cuckoo clocks to the audience.
  • Sesame Street had an animated insert called "The O Show", whose host was a talking letter O. The insert featured an orangutan talking about his favorite O foods, an octopus that juggled, and a giveaway of oboes.
