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Referenced By / The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension

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Comic Books

Films — Live-Action

Live-Action TV

  • The makers of some of the later Star Trek series liked making references to this film. The fact that a good chunk of the art department from Next Generation on through Enterprise previously worked on Buckaroo Banzai may have something to do with this.
  • In one episode of Angel, Yoyodyne is mentioned as a client of evil law firm Wolfram & Hart.
  • The Wire: In the fourth season episode "Know Your Place", Prez goes to a teachers meeting where standardized test scores get discussed, and it reminds him of his days as a police detective, where it was all about the stats rather than doing any meaningful work. One of the other teachers replies, "Wherever you go, there you are."


  • The Canadian Synth-Pop artist Glass Apple Bonzai includes references to the film throughout his work, if the cover art on the first two albums wasn't a dead giveaway where much of the inspiration comes from.


Tabletop Games

  • The mysterious Dr. B Banzai and his Banzai Institute are rather important minor characters in BattleTech.
  • The Yoyodyne company appearing in the early science fiction rpg Star Frontiers takes its name from the company in the film.
