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Referenced By / Infinite Jest

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Films — Live-Action

  • Liberal Arts: Dean is seen reading the book repeatedly. After his Bungled Suicide, Jesse discourages him from reading it again, even referencing its author's depression and suicide as a cautionary tale.

Live-Action TV

  • Castle: A Season 7 episode has an It's a Wonderful Plot in which Castle is a Wallace Expy who wrote a novel titled Finite Laughter.
  • Parks and Recreation: In the Season 5 episode "Partridge", Chris and Ann take a test to see if they'll be a good parenting match. In a blink-and-you'll-miss-it gag, it's called the "Incandenza-Pemulis Parenting Compatibility Test". In the same episode, Councilman Jamm's law firm is Gately, Wayne, Kittenplan, & Troeltsch—and all of these are also characters in the book.
