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Recap / Yu Gi Oh GXS 1 E 39 The Dark Scorpions

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Duel Academy brings in a detective for extra security with the remaining spirit keys.

  • Affably Evil: The Dark Scorpions are quite friendly despite their position as the fourth shadow rider. They get along as the best of friends even reacting with angst when Chazz launches a direct attack on Don Zaloog.
  • Brick Joke: Chazz reveals in an early scene that he sleeps with earplugs. Fast forward to the end of the episode, and we see it's his way of coping with being able to hear all the duel spirits living in his room.
  • Dark Is Evil: The Dark Scorpions are all Dark attribute monsters.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Chazz wins against the Dark Scorpions and is the first time someone other than Jaden wins.
  • Designated Girl Fight: Downplayed. Meanae is the only female scorpion and steals Alexis' key.
  • Dub-Induced Plot Hole: Inverted. In the Japanese version, Chazz cleans up the evidence the Dark Scorpions left behind, when he couldn't have gotten to the teacher's conference room or the girls' dorm that quickly and without the others noticing him. In the dub version, the evidence was cleaned by the others.
  • Duels Decide Everything: The Dark Scorpions successfully steal all the remaining keys, but because they didn't win them in a duel as was explained at the start of the arc, they don't unlock the gate. Once they realize the keys don't work because they need to win a duel first, Don Zaloog accepts Chazz's challenge.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: The Dark Scorpions initially decide to steal the keys not wanting to hurt their enemies, only getting rough when Chazz points out they need to win a duel against the key keepers.
  • Foreshadowing: Supposedly the academy called in the police after several of the keys were stolen, despite knowing the only way to steal them is through a duel. While at first this just sounds like an excuse for Don Zaloog to gain access to the academy to steal the keys, it also hints that someone in the academy is in league with the Shadow Riders...
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: The Dark Scorpions are barely even trying to disguise themselves.
  • "Super Sentai" Stance: Mustering of the Dark Scorpions has the titular thieves having their own take on the trope.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Chazz defeats the Dark Scorpions (and presumably wins their cards) and their spirits now live in his room with his other duel spirits. They are never seen again after this.
