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Recap / Yu Gi Oh First Anime Series Ep 4 Theft The Legendary Super Rare Watch

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Honda buys a watch for Miho, and he gets lucky because he gets the last one. When a man that obsessively collects watches sees that there are no more, he steals the watch from Honda. Yugi follows and gets beaten up as he attempts to reclaim the watch.

Tropes associated with this episode:

  • Ambiguously Brown: Shoutarou has comparatively dark skin.
  • Body Horror: Played with. It's only an illusion, but it's nontheless horrific. The Shadow Game presents him with the horrific imagery of springs and gears under his skin, his watches fused to his arm and a clock-face replacing his eyes.
  • Clock King: Shoutarou loves watches. So much so that he makes it an obsession to collect the best of the best watches. And even when the last of the latest watch is already bought, that won't stop him from stealing it from someone else.
  • Entitled Bastard: Shoutarou thinks he deserves the D-Shock Watch just because he has the bigger collection.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Deconstructed, as Dark Yugi's Shadow Game with Shoutarou leaves his poor mother worried and devastated at his sudden insanity. Though it should be noted his mother was already worried about his mental health even before the Mind Rape since Shoutarou would spend hours just staring at his watches without saying a word.
  • Hopeless Suitor: Poor, poor Honda.
  • Late for School: Not school, but a day with his friends. Yugi runs out of the house with bread in his mouth. His grandpa tells him to least finish it before running off.
  • Potty Emergency: Honda has the bad luck of needing a bathroom whilst he's waiting in line for a watch he wants to buy for Miho.
  • They Just Dont Get It: Dark Yugi makes it very clear that the Shadow Game he plays with Shotaro over the D-Shock will determine who gets the watch. However, Shotaro assumes that it's a Secret Test of Character to see if he's able to see the "trick" of grabbing the watch's switch, which is why he asks for a do-over of the game and switches sides with Dark Yugi, assuming that his new position will let him hit the switch on the watch and pull his hand out the way just in time. He's completely wrong.
