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Recap / Work It Out Wombats S 1 E 4 Special Delivery Campout Confusion

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Airdate: February 7, 2023

"Special Delivery": Malik wants to deliver ice cream to Sammy, who's sick.

"Special Delivery" contains the following tropes:

  • Art Shift: Zadie imagines that the ice cream was abducted by aliens, and it's shown in an arts-and-crafts style.
  • Broken Tears: Malik lets out some after explaining his reason why he took the very long and inefficient way to Sammy's house, especially considering he has to deliver an ice cream cone.
  • Deadpan Snarker: By the time Malik gets to Sammy's house, all the ice cream melted. Sammy sarcastically asks if it's an invisible flavor.
  • Illness Blanket: Sammy is shown being wrapped in a blanket.
  • Make a Wish: While delivering ice cream, Malik knocks on a lucky knothole to make a wish.
  • Malaproper: Zeke says that Malik's drawn out route to Sammy's house looks like a long 'pasketti' noodle.
  • Off Like a Shot: Malik assumes this pose before running to Sammy's house the second time.
  • The Password Is Always "Swordfish": Later on in the episode, Zeke and Zadie are playing construction workers, and they won't let Malik pass unless he guesses the secret word. What was the secret word? "Please."
  • Pirate: Zadie and Zeke are playing pirates. They get mad when Malik 'steals' their 'treasure' (the ice cream) and try to throw a pool noodle at him, to no avail.
  • Sick Episode: Sammy has a cold.
  • Sickness Equals Redness: Sammy has a red nose because he is sick.
  • Stating the Simple Solution: The ice cream keeps melting because Malik takes a long route to get to Sammy's house. Zadie states the simple solution by showing a much shorter route.
  • Too Fast to Stop: While going to Sammy's house, Malik slides down a big sloping branch. However, he goes so fast, he almost crashes into Mr. E.

"Campout Confusion": Zadie wants to host a fun campout.

"Campout Confusion" contains the following tropes:

  • Big "WHY?!": Zadie, forlorn over the ruined campout and burnt zucchini, shouts "WHY?"
  • Camping Episode: The episode centers on the wombats going camping with the crab kids, but things don't go well because Zadie didn't make a plan.
  • Comical Overreacting: Mr. E cries over the idea of not having marshmallows at a campout.
  • Exploding Closet: At the start of the episode, Super is stuffing a bunch of things into the closet, but the closet explodes.
  • Just Here for the Free Snacks: Malik only agreed to go camping because of marshmallows. When it turns out that there's no marshmallows, Malik isn't too happy at the prospect of having to roast zucchinis.
  • Oh, Crap!: Mr. E is lifting the tent with his forklift, then flips out when he realizes that there are people inside it.
  • Say My Name: Zadie yells Malik and Zeke's names when she goes to tell them about the camping trip.
  • Scooby Stack: The wombats and the crabs do this while peeking out of the tent.
  • Something We Forgot: A recurring theme in the episode is that the characters keep forgetting things they need for the campout, such as marshmallows, a flashlight, etc.
  • Worst. Whatever. Ever!: Zadie wanted the campout to be fun, but things went to crap because the kids kept forgetting things they needed. Zadie calls it the "worst. campout. ever."
