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Recap / Winx Club S 3 E 1 The Princess Ball

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Also known as The Perfect Dress in the Nickelodeon dub.

On Spring Break while searching for a dress for her upcoming Princess Ball, Stella crosses paths with Beta fairy Chimera who is out to beat her to it. Meanwhile, the Trix are imprisoned in the Omega Dimension and thaw out the evil sorcerer Valtor.


  • Did Not Think This Through: The people who decided the Trix's punishment didn't figure out that Icy could use her ice-based powers to free herself and her allies from their blocks of ice.
  • Expository Hairstyle Change: Musa’s hair becomes longer as of this episode.
  • Face–Monster Turn: The mermaids that Valtor transformed into monsters upon escaping the Omega Dimension.
  • Foreshadowing: When explaining what a Princess Ball is all about to Bloom, Musa brings up that these events also used to be when arranged marriages were announced back when they were a tradition, with Aisha adding that some realms still follow that tradition. A few episodes later has Aisha finding out that her parents have chosen someone for her to marry.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Valtor was sealed in an ice block until the Trix release him.
  • Shout-Out: Stella's dress is under the label "Dolce and Gabblina", which is this universe's version of Dolce and Gabbana. Chimera's blouse is also from a company called "Spella McCartney", which parodies Stella McCartney.
  • Standardized Space Views: The golden Solaria and the inhospitable Omega Dimension are introduced this way as the girls travel there by spaceship. In both cases, an Owl is shown approaching the planet's surface.


Video Example(s):


The Omega Dimension

The Omega Dimension is a frozen Death World that is used as a dumping ground for the worst criminals in the Magic Dimension, who are all encased in ice beforehand. But when the Trix are sent there, Icy uses her ice magic to free herself and her sisters from cryostasis and make their escape.

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5 (8 votes)

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Main / PrisonDimension

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