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Recap / We Have All Become Pokemon Act Two

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    Chapter 49: A Fresh Start 
In-Game Time: Day 35 (Morning - Early Afternoon)

  • A week has passed since the incidents with L'Arachel and Danjor Island. Noriaki and Hikari, and their friends, both old and new, have continued to tidy up the area around L'Arachel's manor, leading to the establishment of a new settlement called New Roselle. The humanmons and their friends have remained in Foxfell this whole time, spending this time recovering from the events of last week as well as, to a further extent, the past time since everything started. Marlon has recovered and left the hospital. Seth has spent much of the week at the Foxfell library researching everything about the strange creatures that now surround him in order to get more familiar with this world. Eliot continues to struggle with his staggered mental state following the humanmons' misadventures, though with Mila, Autumn, and Koss assisting him where possible, the latter with more of his homemade remedies. Meanwhile, a new humanmon in the form of a Raboot wakes up outside of Foxfell and makes a beeline for Foxfell, the nearest town. After a confusing encounter with an ill-tempered Slurpuff chef, Marlon, Goobert, Grigori, and several of the others run into the human-turned-Raboot, who introduces himself as Royal. Together, they all join the others at a cafe in Foxfell. Oddly, some Dreepy seem to be watching the party, but the party doesn't take much notice of them yet.

  • However, as everyone eats breakfast and gets acquainted with Royal, Koss arrives to bring the party to the Guild's Foxfell branch where they discover that the Guild is in financial straits after a string of unsuccessful expeditions and will be unable to pay the humanmons for their efforts for an indeterminate amount of time. However, if the party can find a financial broker on Silversand by the name of Lucifuge, he may be able to be of assistance in helping the humanmons and the Guild. The party sets out to go find him.

  • Before the party leaves, though, they bump into two more new humanmons; Allora, a Gardevoir, and Miles, the first known Ditto humanmon the party has met. It's also as the party is en route to the docks that they bump into a Dragapult (whom the Dreepy were with) from Hoard, who tells them that Ripley is currently in Foxfell after a series of events in Hoard following the VA incident there caused Hoard to end up ruined. Grigori is sent in to meet Ripley and learn about what is going on so the party will know what to expect if and when they go to help Ripley and those with her. Whatever Serris did in Hoard was serious enough for Ripley to encourage Grigori to put Serris down when he and the party find him. In addition to this, Serris has been claiming that Ripley was the one who went rogue and destroyed Hoard (hence why the Noivern is so far from Denalsi), meaning that stopping Serris could prove easier said than done once the party finds him. Meanwhile, Marlon and Marsha decide to sit this adventure out so Marlon's leg can continue to recover and Marsha can check in with her friends and family back in Silversand. They ultimately leave on the Shifter with Benji, Dinah, and Lucy without much notice. Everyone else who is still going to find Lucifuge ends up boarding an Arcanine's tiny boat to go back to Denalsi, as Denalsi, specifically the Bedsheets that Andy previously collapsed and where the party first met Lucy, is where Lucifuge was last known to have been seen...

    Chapter 50: Under New Management 
In-Game Time: Day 35 (Late Afternoon - Evening)

  • The party lands on a fairly secluded dock on Denalsi not far from the Carnival grounds around dusk, and begin the trek to the Bedsheets. The group discusses the ruins (where most of the first humanmons first appeared) to the new arrivals to the party, and Grigori is about to bring up Serris when an Orbeetle runs into the party after fleeing his abusive Thievul employer. The Thievul in question shows up shortly afterward, resulting in a brief scuffle where the Thievul mostly fights with Seeds until the Thievul is successfully driven away. After this, the party allows the Orbeetle, Dylan, to join them as they continue on to the Bedsheets. The party reaches the Bedsheets as night falls and nervously enter. Sure enough, it is now populated by Ghost-types of all sorts and Lucifuge has indeed made the Bedsheets his base of operations. The Confagrigus's assistant leads the party to him, and the party learns the extent of what Lucifuge does on Denalsi. Then the party presents the Guild's situation to him. Lucifuge doesn't seem to disagree to help the party and the Guild, but claims that he has other business to attend to before he can help them (to everyone's disappointment). Lucifuge then instructs the party to go to Glastone to investigate rumors about there being cases of the VA. The party is unsure about this but agrees to go anyway.

  • Meanwhile, Marlon and Marsha arrive in Silversand to find that things have become a bit different since the party was last there. The town is still trying to rebuild after the VA outbreak almost a month ago, and Marsha discovers that she and Delilah have been replaced as lifeguards (Delilah voluntarily resigning, Marsha because the beach management had assumed Marsha had quit after no word from her). After a brief confrontation with Marsha's replacement, an Inteleon named Madeline, Marsha decides to go apologize to management for not letting them know that she would be away from Silversand longer than anticipated. It's while Marlon and Marsha are here that they discover that Serris has gotten in good graces with Silversand's local government and is lobbying for the construction of new housing in Silversand (in lieu of the Guild's incomplete housing due to their lack of funds). Marlon and Marsha are immediately suspicious given what happened the last time the party saw them, and Marlon requests to have input on what's currently going on. He is allowed to do so, but as it's evening, there's not much they can do right now, so the Marduo goes home with Marsha's parents. After a brief discussion, Marlon sends a letter to the rest of the party alerting them to the suspicious goings-on in Silversand and then goes directly to bed, while Marsha takes a walk and bumps into Madeline again. Marsha decides to help Madeline (a refugee from Hoard) get used to being in Silversand.

  • By nighttime, the main group arrives at an outpost outside of Glastone (bumping into Addie again as they do so), full of members of a Bug-type army. They treat the group with a great deal of suspicion when they find out they're with the Guild, but allow them to stay the night outside the outpost anyway. Marlon's letter manages to reach the party in record time and the party is filled in on what Serris has been up to in Silversand. The news concerns the party greatly, especially given what Ripley previously told Grigori, but unable to do anything about it right now, the party calls it a night.

    Chapter 51: Suspicious Minds 
In-Game Time: Day 36

  • When the party wakes up the next morning, they make a number of discoveries. Firstly is Seth catching up to the party, then finding another humanmon, another Fennekin who goes by Magi, and finally that Eliot never made it out of the outpost when everyone went to sleep. Mila and Goobert go into the outpost to find that Eliot had changed form in front of one of Mbali, one of the Bug-types at the outpost, which made her accuse him of being a spy for the Guild and had imprisoned him in chains within the outpost all night. Mila is very upset at Mabali's actions and gives Mbali an earful, after which the embarrassed Krickitune allows Eliot to leave with the party. With the misunderstanding cleared up, the party prepares to enter Glastone proper.

  • In Silversand, Marlon prepares for a potentially very long day. He starts off by going to the hospital to get his leg checked up, during which he befriends another Hoard refugee, a Feraligatr named Ed. Then Marlon prepares to go to the Silversand town hall.
