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Recap / We Bare Bears S 2 E 15 Captain Craboo

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In this double-length special episode, Captain Craboo returns to the bears' home, much to Ice Bear's displeasure. He is eventually won over, but their friendship might be short-lived as Nom Nom sues Craboo after an incident at a pet shop autograph event.


  • Call-Back:
    • Captain Craboo, first seen in "Emergency", makes a second appearance.
    • The island from, well, "The Island" shows up at the end, as Craboo's new home.
  • The Cameo: Chloe and her parents are seen watching the police chase at the episode's climax, as is Charlie, who is actually in the Bears' house watching it on their TV.
  • Courtroom Antics: Grizz acts as Craboo's lawyer at his trial, despite knowing nothing about law or courtroom procedure. The judge wearily has to explain to Grizz what it means when she overrules an objection.
  • Every Car Is a Pinto: A cop bails out of his car right before it bumps into the tree the Bears had climbed. A split second later, it explodes in a huge fireball.
  • Hood Hopping: The bears hop from one car to another while being chased along a costal highway.
  • Hot Pursuit: The bears run away with Craboo and go into hiding to protect him from Nom Nom and the police.
  • Instant Convertible: A cop car loses its top after going through a sawmill.
  • I Will Show You X!: When one of the cops scolds Nom Nom for being disorderly, he snaps "Disorderly? I'll show you disorderly!" and kicks sand on his shoes.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: While on the run from the police to protect Craboo, Panda ends up posting a recent photo of Craboo online, which is risky enough, but he forgot to turn off location tagging. He realizes his mistake the next morning.
  • Oh, No... Not Again!: When the little old lady driving the car on which the Bears are perched hears police sirens, she wonders aloud "Oh dear, what in the good gravy did I do this time?"
  • Shoo the Dog: How the episode ends: Captain Craboo is wanted by the authorities, and can't stay with the bears, so they take him to the beach, his natural habitat, and shoo him away.
  • Villain Ball: Nom Nom could have avoided the whole escapade had he not needlessly pushed Ice Bear, who was already on his way out of the pet store with his friends.
  • Villainous Breakdown: After Craboo escapes, Nom Nom throws a tantrum in front of a policeman and kicks sand onto his shoes. This results in him getting arrested.
  • Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Nom Nom pretends to be severely injured when he shows up in court in order to draw sympathy from the judge and jury. When it looks like Grizzly is successfully swaying the judge, Nom Nom pretends that Craboo is attacking him again.
