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Recap / Warrior Cats: The Sight

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The Sight is the first book in the third Warrior Cats series, Power of Three, taking place roughly six moons after Sunset.

Tropes appearing in this book:

  • Adventures in Comaland: When Poppypaw is sick with greencough, she has a dream about being in StarClan's forest. Jaypaw is also there, because of his ability to walk in dreams, and he stops her from dying.
  • Because Destiny Says So: Jaypaw has to become a medicine cat apprentice for this reason.
  • The Bus Came Back: Graystripe was captured by Twolegs early in the third book of the second series and ultimately presumed dead or permanently lost by his Clanmates. In this book - taking place half a year after the second series ended - he returned, having escaped and found the Clans in their new home.
  • Bus Crash: In this book we learn that Rainwhisker was killed in between books by a falling branch.
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: Jaypaw (also his Berserk Button). Also don't be too nice to him, or he'll think you're pitying him. And don't mention his blindness, but then again, don't seem like you're trying to avoid it, either.
  • Dramatic Irony: Jaypaw is unable to understand why Leafpool and Crowfeather act so weird around each other, but any reader who has read the second series would know that what he is detecting is pure Unresolved Sexual Tension. And they also would probably have guessed that the two are his real parents.
  • Dream-Crushing Handicap: Jaypaw just wants to be a great warrior, and won't listen when other cats tell him that he can't because of his blindness. He does get the chance to train as a warrior apprentice, but when a patrol he's on gets into a fight and he's easily beaten by an enemy apprentice because he can't make sense of what's going on, he has to come to terms with the fact that he'll never be a warrior. He ends up becoming a medicine cat instead.
  • Dream Intro: The prologue is Firestar having a flashback dream of being told the "there will be three, kin of your kin" prophecy.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: Rainwhisker was killed by a falling tree branch. In between books.
  • Ensemble Cast: The Power of Three arc features three protagonists: Jaypaw, Hollypaw, and Lionpaw.
  • Expecting Someone Taller: When Graystripe returns, one of the apprentices comments that they expected him to be bigger.
  • Heroic Lineage: The blurb describes Lionpaw, Hollypaw, and Jaypaw as "children of Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw, two of the noblest ThunderClan warriors, and grandchildren of the great leader Firestar himself".
  • Incurable Cough of Death: It is mentioned that Molepaw died some time before the events of the book due to an illness that wouldn't respond to herbs.
  • Insult Backfire: Blackstar starts going on and on about how generous ThunderClan was to give up a piece of territory, and how much good use ShadowClan has been getting out of it as a hunting ground, using the concession as an opportunity to mock ThunderClan for weakness. Firestar, who had simply not thought the piece of territory important enough to fight for, responds: "I am pleased to hear that you are getting so much out of a piece of land prey-poor by ThunderClan standards." Blackstar is not amused.
  • Kid Hero: The three main characters are about six moons old - the Clan cats' equivalent of somewhere between 10 and teenage - at the start of this book.
  • Killed Offscreen: It's mentioned toward the start of the book that Rainwhisker died some time between Sunset and The Sight due to a falling branch, and that Molepaw died to illness.
  • Living Legend: Graystripe has become this by the time of this book, as he was the ThunderClan deputy who played a part in helping save all the Clans through his life, and as far as the Clans knew, sacrificed himself to save others from capture by Twolegs. When he finds his way back to the Clans, Hollypaw is amazed at how all four Clans welcome him home with equal warmth. When everyone's crowding around him and Leafpool tells them to give him space, Hazelpaw even protests, "But he's a legend!"
  • Monster Is a Mommy: Foxes are normally a danger to Clan cats. ThunderClan finds a dead one in a trap in this book, and they know by its milk-scent that it must have cubs. They're determined to chase away or kill the cubs so that they don't become a bigger problem when they grow up.
  • New Season, New Name: This arc has the subtitle Power of Three.
  • No Antagonist: The Sight is mainly about the conflict between the Clans and doesn't have a driving enemy behind it, unlike the other books.
  • Personal Raincloud: Discussed:
    Leafpool (to Jaypaw): You drift around the camp like a little dark cloud looking for someone to rain on.
  • Posthumous Sibling: Dustpelt and Ferncloud have had several litters of kits. Shrewpaw from their first litter and Larchkit and Hollykit of their second litter are dead by the time that Icekit and Foxkit are born.
  • The Prophecy: There will be three, kin of your kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws - about three relatives of the character the prophecy is made to, and the fact that they are each born with a supernatural power.
  • Prophet Eyes: Although Jayfeather is described with having rather normal eyes, he's depicted this way on the 2015 reprinted cover, as well as the Russian, Japanese, and Polish covers.
  • Role Swap Plot: Jaypaw is determined to become a warrior, while Hollypaw wants to be an important member of the Clan and starts training as a medicine cat. Partway through the book, Jaypaw accepts that his blindness is too much of a disability to hunt or fight and that he has a special connection with StarClan, while Hollypaw struggles with healing and realizes that she longs to be a warrior, so they end up being allowed to swap roles.
  • Rule of Three: The third series, Power of Three, with three protagonists.
  • Scars Are Forever: Lionpaw removes his dressings early so that he'll have scars to show off.
  • Scavenger Hunt: Icekit and Foxkit are disappointed that they're too young to participate in the apprentice competitions, so their mother Ferncloud sets a scavenger hunt for them: they have to bring back a beetle, some moss, and a fly.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: The kits rationalize sneaking out to attack the fox cubs by saying that they're just trying to help the Clan.
  • Seeing Through Another's Eyes: Jaypaw unintentionally sees through his brother Lionpaw's eyes while he and Breezepaw are having a hunting contest, and the ground collapses under him, burying Lionpaw and Breezepaw alive. Thanks to Jaypaw seeing this, he is able to get help and save their lives.
  • Series Continuity Error:
    • Heavystep died in Sunset, but remains in the Allegiances of The Sight and later books. The reprints correct this.
    • In Sunset, Ripplepaw of RiverClan was a silver she-cat. In The Sight and beyond, Rippletail is a dark gray tom.
    • Stonestream is already an elder in this book, even though he just became a warrior in Twilight. No mention is made of him having any injuries to retire early.
    • The tree-bridge to the Gathering island is described with the top of the tree and its branches on the island. This is backward from how the tree fell in Starlight from the island to the mainland.
  • Shared Unusual Trait: Hollypaw notes that Cinderpaw always flicks her paw a certain way when grooming herself. She notices Leafpool staring at Cinderpaw, and Leafpool comments that Cinderpelt used to flick her paw like that. Cinderpaw is a reincarnation of Cinderpelt, and while the reader already knows this from Sunset, it's one of the first times the characters see the resemblance between the two.
  • Spin-Offspring: Power of Three is about the kits of two of the heroes from The New Prophecy.
  • Stealth Insult: "I am pleased to hear that you are getting so much use out of a piece of land prey-poor by ThunderClan standards."
  • Stranger in a Familiar Land: Happens to Graystripe when he finds the Clans again. In addition to getting used to the new territory, he has to adjust to simply being around so many cats and living in a Clan again.
  • Switching P.O.V.: Hollypaw, Jaypaw, and Lionpaw.
  • Technicolor Eyes: Heatherpaw is named for her eyes, which one character comments are the color of heather. While the authors did have purple eyes in mind, this was changed to blue in later books since cats can't actually have purple eyes (unless possibly albino, which Heatherpaw is not.)
  • The "The" Title Confusion: The third series is called Power of Three. Officially, there is no "the"; however, fans usually add the "the", which around release gave this story arc the nickname "Teapot" (The Power of Three = TPoT = Teapot.)
  • Time Skip: There has been a six-moon gap since Sunset.
  • Tomato Surprise: It takes until the end of the 3rd chapter or so to reveal that one of the new main characters, Jaykit, is blind. His narration never mentions what anything looks like, aside from when he's dreaming, but most readers don't pick that up.
  • Treachery Cover Up: It's hard to judge whether or not they did this for Hawkfrost. They did cover up the fact that Brambleclaw killed him, but there is conflicting evidence on whether or not they covered up why he was killed. In The Sight, some warriors have a conversation about the mysterious circumstances of his death, and say that his Clanmates mourned him, and RiverClan seems relatively ignorant of his treachery in other books, which would suggest he did get a cover-up. But then in After Sunset: We Need To Talk, Cloudtail says to a WindClan patrol that Hawkfrost tried to kill Firestar, which suggests everyone knows about it.
  • What Beautiful Eyes!: Lionpaw takes special note of Heatherpaw's very pretty "heather-colored" eyes: he can't help but stare the first time they meet, and later on when he thinks about her he remembers her eyes.
  • Wrong Line of Work: Jaypaw starts training as a warrior and Hollypaw starts as a medicine cat apprentice, but they come to realize that they'd be better at the opposite job and come to Firestar nearly at the exact same time to request to change.
