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Recap / Wakfu S2E3 "Remington Smisse"

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Having finally found Sadlygrove, Evanelyne is now determinated to rescue him and find a way to return him to his body. However, Remington Smisse mistakes Dally for an incredibly powerful Shushu and decides to take it for himself. As Eva chases the Smisse brothers on the roofs of Rubilaxia, Yugo, Amalia and Ruel arrives in Rubilaxia, but...


  • Bag of Holding: Turns out Remington owns a Shushu Havresac he uses to store all the Shushu he can get his hands on. Unfortunately for him, a lucky toss from Eva breaks the bag open, causing it to spill all the loot on the ground.
  • The Butcher: Greater Shushu Burloif is known as the Butcher, and even the other Shushu are terrified of him and the destruction he causes.
  • Call-Back: Ruel's ghoulified form makes a comeback from the previous season.
  • Cliffhanger: It's the last one, we swear! The episode ends with Evangelyne finally in possession of Sadlygrove, but Yugo has been captured by his ghoulified friends, while Rubilax claims he has something in store for him...
  • Diagonal Cut: The effects of Burloif's strikes: after Eva uses it to stab a wall to break her fall, the crack (after several seconds) suddenly extends and makes the entire building crumble.
  • Disney Villain Death: The last time we see the Smisse brothers and Burloif, they're all falling from a rooftop. It's later revealed that they survived.
  • The Dreaded: Burloif the Butcher is so infamous he strikes fear in all of Remington's Shushu.
  • Epic Fail: Remington mistakenly believes that Dally is a super-powerful Shushu weapon... but when he confidently tries to use it against Eva and Burloif he does nothing, much to his chagrin.
  • Evil Is Hammy: Rubilax once again is playing the Card-Carrying Villain angle to a hilt, belting out Evil Laughs and shouting about how he's gonna show everyone that "the great and terrifying Rubilax" isn't someone to be trifled with.
  • Exact Words: As proven in the previous episode, Rubilax in Dally's body is unable to touch Eva... but the protection doesn't prevent him from lobbing boulders at her.
  • Failed a Spot Check: Ruel, Amalia and Yugo are so surprised to see that Sadlygrove's alive that they fail to notice the black eyes or the black cracks on his face before it's too late, allowing him to drain their shadows.
  • Femme Fatalons: When Amalia is ghoulified, her nails grows longer, along with her hair and canines.
  • Flaming Sword: Burloif the Butcher is enveloped in flames when he activates his powers. Even when he's unlit, he's still shaped like a flame and seemingly made of magma.
  • Funny Background Event: While Eva is facing Rubilax, we have Remington ransacking all the Shushu he can get his hands on.
  • The Glomp: When Amalia and Ruel realizes that Dally is standing in front of them they proceed to give him a hearfell hug. After looking embarassed and trying to free himself, Rubilax uses the situation to his advantage and absorbs their shadows.
  • Groin Attack: It's not crystal clear, but it's implied it's how Eva knocks out Rubilax before going after Remington.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Ultimately, Remington falls victim to his own greed and gratuitous backstabbing.
  • Mass "Oh, Crap!": Remington's collection of Shushu has one when they realize that Eva is brandishing Burloif, a particularly bloodthirsty Greater Shushu.
  • No-Sell: As per season 1, Shadowfang is unable to absorb Yugo's shadow because he's pure of heart, which Rubilax is incredulous to believe that anyone in "this world" could be.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Grany Smisse gets completely red eyes when the Shushu he's using takes him over. Remington has to shoot him to make him regain consciousness.
  • Roofhopping: Both Eva and Remington engages on the roofs of Rubilaxia in their chase sequence.
  • Rooftop Confrontation: During the second part of the episode, Eva confronts Remington and Grany Smisse across the rooftops of Rubilaxia.
  • Shout-Out: During the credits, a trio of Ghouls dances with the moves of Michael Jackson's Thriller video.
  • Super-Strength: Thanks to his Shushu gauntlet, Remington can muster enough strength to push and entire house on Eva.
  • Villainous Rescue: Involuntary, but still the arrival of the Ghouls distract Grany, who decides to get rid of them first and leaves Eva alone.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Remington mistakenly reasons that Eva wants Sadlygrove's sword because it's the most powerful weapon of the entire room, so he takes it with him, ending up sorely disappointed when he realizes that it has no power at all.
