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Recap / Wakfu S2E12 "The Emporg"

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Part three of the Brakmar Gobbowl Arc

With the reveal of the true identity of the Masked Gobbowler, Brakmar is in disarray, the women are elated by the news but now the Unmasked Gobbowler is about to face execution alongside the others for going against the law of Brakmar. The Brack'n Black, though, aren't happy with this and reclaim their right to have their vengeance in a Gobbowl match. In order to exact revenge on this unforgivable offense, the Prince of Brakmar decides to enlist the help of their secret weapon, the fearsome man who sold his soul to Gobbowl, the legendary Mmmmmmmmmporg. His prowess seems unsurpassed, but he hides a dark, well-kept secret...


  • Affably Evil: The Mmmmmmmmmporg is quite jovial and upbeat for such a brutal war criminal, and genuinely loves playing Gobbowl. Until he gets mad...
  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: The Mmmmmmmmmporg is so conceited he actually does some push-ups right before the referee starts the game. As proven by his actual performance, he was giving his opponents a head start.
  • Big Damn Heroes: When the Mmmmmmmmmporg has cornered Yugo and is about to eradicate him, a powered-up gobball thrown by Kriss sends him flying.
  • Beam-O-War: Like the last time, this episode has a final clash between the energy-clad Mmmmmmmmmporg and Kriss with Maude joining forces to perform the strongest Gobbowl technique.
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Averted much like the previous Gobbowl arc. Not only do Amalia and Eva retain the bruises and cuts on their bodies and faces from when they were playing as guys, they get even more in this episode.
  • Berserk Button: The Mmmmmmmmmporg is perfectly fine and congenial... as long as you don't make the fatal mistake of calling him by his real name, especially if you happen to laugh at it. He grows mad enough to level whole quarters of Brakmar alone.
  • Casual Danger Dialogue: Despite all of them literally having their necks on the chopping block, the heroes are far more engrossed with the revelation of Kriss and Maude's past and relationship than the threat of death.
  • Character Catchphrase: The Mmmmmmmmmporg has "I sold my soul to Gobbowl," which allows Ruel to remember his real name.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • In Kriss' flashback, Maude's ball breaks a hole through a wall and a sexy poster of Chauchanna, the idol-like baker from season 1.
    • After defeating the Mmmmmmmmmporg, Kriss and the Unmasked Gobbowler let Yugo score the decisive goal, just like Dally did back in the first season.
  • A Day in the Limelight: The episode is mostly focused on Kriss, to the point that we see a flashback of him and his mentor, a Sram named Maude.
  • Deadly Euphemism: After the Mmmmmmmmmporg breaks the Arena in half, Tendynite comments that the Brak'n Black became legends of Gobbowl.
  • Embarrassing First Name: The very reason why the very sensitive Mmmmmmmmmporg not only goes by Mmmmmmmmmporg but has pretty much erased all evidence of his true name, which only Ruel is old enough to remember. And since his true name is Marilyn you cannot really blame him.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: After trying to remember the Mmmmmmmmmporg's name for nearly half the episode, Ruel suddenly remembers and says the name out loud. On the one hand, it blocks the Mmmmmmmmmporg as he was sprinting towards the goal. On the other hand, it sends him in a truly frightening rage.
  • Here We Go Again!: At the end of the episode, some guys in a tavern have a good laugh at the expenses of the Mmmmmmmmmporg's true name... unaware that he's in the same room as them and about to get angry again.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: The Prince lets the Mmmmmmmmmporg out to help the Brack'n Black getting their revenge. He ends up killing the latter and devastating a good portion of Brakmar.
  • Honor Before Reason: Even when the Mmmmmmmmmporg is coming after him with murderous intent, Yugo still tries to avoid using the portals, because as far as he's concerned, the match is still on.
  • Inconsistent Spelling: Invoked when Jactance asks Tendynite with just how many "M" do you spell Mmmmmmmmmporg (9, apparently).
  • I Was Beaten by a Girl: The Brakn'Black are furious for this, and also because their boss was a woman all along. So much that they ask to defeat them in a Gobbowl match to satisfy their ego.
  • Ki Attacks: The ultimate Gobbowl technique Maude taught to Kriss, which sounds suspiciously similar to a Kamehameha.
  • Mistaken for Cheating: In the flashback, Kriss is salty at Maude because he believes she's actually having an affair with the Masked Gobbowler. Actually, she is the Gobbowler.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Maude, a sexy female Sram with a nice body who, in her flashback, wore a revealing red dress.
  • Mood Whiplash: One moment the Mmmmmmmmmporg's about to butcher Yugo... then he's sent flying by Kriss's sneak attack, letting out a hearable:
    The Mmmmmmmmmporg: Argh! They owned me!
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Downplayed; the Prince and King of Brakmar have such a moment when the Mmmmmmmmmporg goes berserk, but you can tell by the tone of their voice that they won't lose too much sleep over this.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: While Yugo tries to calm down the rampaging Mmmmmmmmmporg, he accidentaly calls him by his name while telling him that he shouldn't be so sensitive over it.
  • Off with His Head!: The heroes are on the verge of being beheaded following their disqualification in the previous episode.
  • Oh, Crap!: The Mmmmmmmmmporg freezes in shock when Ruel calls him "Marilyn" in front of the entire stadium, giving out his identity. Followed later by a Mass "Oh, Crap!" by the bystanders, when they see just how bad he takes it.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Downplayed, while the Mmmmmmmmmporg does make a sexist remark at Eva after knocking her down, he sounds more clumsily patronizing than openly malicious, does look genuinely worried for her health after knocking her down and seems to be genuinely impressed by Maude's skills.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: The first sign that the Mmmmmmmmmporg is about to show everyone why he was kept as a weapon of mass destruction, followed by his horns growing to ponderous size.
  • Shout-Out:
  • Sistine Steal: Immediately lampshaded by Ruel when a moment where the Mmmmmmmmmmporg steals the ball from the Unmasked Gobbowler resembles the titular fresco.
  • Super-Speed: Once he gets running, the Mmmmmmmmmporg is so incredibly fast he's a blur, leaving a trail of yellow flames behind. So fast, actually, that when Slo-Mo uses his time spell to slow everything down in one area, the Mmmmmmmmporg still moves so fast the announcers have barely the time to describe the action.
  • Unstoppable Rage: When the Mmmmmmmmmporg's true name is spoken, he freezes on the spot, but if you laugh at him, then he'll enter into a tremendous wrath capable of destroying whole cities to the ground.
  • Voice of the Legion: When mad, the Mmmmmmmmmporg's voice echoes ominously when he talks.
    The Mmmmmmmmmporg: NOBODY CALLS ME MARILYYYYYNNN]]!!!
  • Would Hurt a Child: Yugo is around twelve, Amalia is around thirteen, Sadlygrove is around Sixteen and Evangelyne is around seventeen, but this does not dissuade the judge from sentencing them to lose their heads along with Ruel, Kriss and Maude.
