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Recap / Twipsy

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Warning: Potential unmarked spoilers ahead.

A recap index for episodes of Twipsy. All of the individual episodes are about 11 minutes in length.


  1. How it Happened
  2. Welcome to Cyberspace
  3. Hello, Real World, Why'd You Have To Be So Wet?
  4. The First Cyber Tail
  5. Do You Want to Know a Secret?
  6. Let Us Entertain You
  7. Peeuuugh!
  8. Anything for a Papaya Smoothie
  9. Chess Rules!
  10. Messengers Mess Up
  11. From Cyberspace to Living Space
  12. Dream On, Dr. Walker!
  13. No, No, Know-it-All!
  14. (About) 15 Minutes of Fame
  15. A Day in the Life of a Doll
  16. Twipsy Sees the Light
  17. The Case of the Missing Pastry
  18. Bike Rides
  19. Mall Madness
  20. Charming Champ
  21. No Business Like Slow Business
  22. The Unlawful Messenger
  23. Bad Advice
  24. Flea Days
  25. Henry's Toy Talks Back
  26. Out, Out, Spot
  27. Looking for Trouble
  28. A Fish Out of Water
  29. Grounded
  30. One Poem Coming Right Up!
  31. Disappearing Info
  32. Herbie the Nice
