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Recap / Time Squad S 01 Ep 13 If Its Wright Its Wrong

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In the satellite control room, Larry is logging historical information from past missions when Otto comes in. Otto asks if Larry has any interesting stories from these past missions, but Larry scoffs at the idea, saying no. Then Otto asks what the job was like before he joined, and Larry says it was a nightmare since neither he nor Tuddrussel actually knew any history and Tuddrussel only made things worse by being over aggressive. He opens a video file called “History’s Funniest Home Bloopers,” which is a collection of Larry’s more memorable recordings of past missions where Tuddrussel spectacularly fails at his job. In one scene he gives Nostradamus a ticket for "bogus predictions". In another, Tuddrussel chases Lady Godiva while she rides naked on a horse, trying to get her to put on some clothes. In the last one, Benjamin Franklin is seen trying to perform his famous experiment with electricity involving flying a kite with a metal key attached to it in the middle of a thunderstorm when Tuddrussel steals the kite from him and proceeds to get electrocuted. Otto begs Larry to turn it off, horrified by Tuddrussel's stupidity. Larry confirms that before he showed up, it was downright impossible to complete a mission with Tuddrussel acting as the leader. Then the alarm suddenly goes off. Larry checks them in and they see that the mission is to help the Wright Brothers, and, after Otto screams at the mere sight of Tuddrussel, he nervously explains that the Wright Brothers were bicycle repairmen who invented the airplane. Tuddrussel wonders to Larry on what has gotten into Otto to act so strange as they leave.

The team arrives at the Wright Brothers’ Stunt Show and sits down to watch. The Wright Brothers don’t really have stunts to do, and they bore the audience (and the Time Squad) with piggyback rides and handstands to the point where they get booed off the stage. The team later visits the Wright Brothers’ Bicycle Shop, and Tuddrussel states that he plans on being upfront by saying that they're terrible acrobats and that they need to invent the airplane. Otto, influenced by the video Larry showed him steps in to demand that he should try to get the Wright Brothers to do their job his way instead. Incredulous, Tuddrussel agrees to let Otto do this with little faith in him. They go in, and immediately strike up a conversation with the Wrights, who claim that today’s show was the best yet. They show Time Squad some of their other inventions, all ending in 'gyro' whether it makes sense technically or not. Otto sees their blueprint designs for their airplane, and in a very friendly and encouraging fashion encourages them to combine their inventing skills and love of thrills in their stunt show. The Wrights love this idea and quickly set to work and push them out. Outside, Larry and Tuddrussel grow annoyed with Otto's meddling, and Tuddrussel states his doubts on whether "Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum" can pull this stunt off without their help. But Otto has total confidence that his way is going to work out just fine.

At the next day's show, Wilbur announces that Orville will be the first flying man. He reveals that they built a catapult to launch him through three hoops, over a barn, a shark tank, and land safely on a feather bed. All of which will be set on fire. The crowd is excited, but the Time Squad, especially Otto are less than pleased. Wilber lets Orville go, but the catapult fails and injures him.

Back at the bike shop, Otto tries to be nice and not hurt their feelings about how bad the show went, while still trying to gently get them to build the plane. With help from Tuddrussel and Larry, they all try to give the Wright Brothers hints to build something to fly for the next show. Wilber says that he understands completely and again shoos them away so they can work.

The next day, with even less of a crowd than before, the Time Squad waits for the next show. Tuddrussel is growing more irritated at both Otto and the Wright Brothers, and warns Otto that "They better get it right this time!" The show starts and Wilber announces that they shall be amazed by this new act, and reveals the "Rocket-Gyro", with Orville on top of a bicycle that has two giant rockets attached to it. Orville is supposed to fly the rocket bike off a ramp, and over Deadman's Canyon and land safely on the other side. Otto gasps in horror, and watch as Orville gets blown up, and rides the now charred bike off the ramp and falls down the canyon.

Tuddrussel has had enough and storms out to the Wright Brother's shop, with Otto trying to plead with him to stop. Tuddrussel says he has had enough of his way, so now they're going to do it Tuddrussel's way. Tuddrussel angerly tells the brothers directly to build the airplane, and refuse to be pushed out like the first two times and demands that he watch them actually build it.

So the very next day, after watching the Wright Brothers build the plane like they're supposed to, the squad heads out to the show's stage where now there is just only one kid attending the show. Tuddrussel, satisfied, says that he was right and would have had the mission solved if they had only just cut to the chase. Wilber comes out to announce to the now sparse crowd that he's presenting an invention that's going to change the world. He reveals the "balancing-gyro", with Orville using it. . . as a balancing pole in a high wire act with Wilber on top. Furious, Tuddrussel shakes the ladder supporting the wire and breaks it, sending the brothers and the plane falling. Before they crash, the plane’s propeller starts spinning from the fall and starts flying away and flies all over Dayton, Ohio. The citizens are amazed, earning the Brothers’ popularity and fame.

Later, Wilber says thanks to the Time Squad for setting them in the right direction and say goodbye to them but not before revealing that the next show will have Wilbur flying the plane with rockets attached to it. The rockets explode, and Time Squad leaves as runs after Orville.

Tropes present in this episode include:

  • Amusing Injuries: Orville receives the worst damage from his stunt work, ultimately because he's probably Wilber's human guinea pig to test out their dangerous stunts.
  • Comically Missing the Point: That the inventors of the airplane being so dense that they can't get it through their heads to actually get around to invent it and fly without strapping a rocket on it no matter how many times it's explained to them.
  • Didn't Think This Through: The Wright Brothers never seem to test out their more complicated stunts before actually performing them.
  • Dumbass Has a Point: For once, Tuddrussel may have been right about confronting the Wright Bros. about their terrible stunt show and get them to build the airplane in the first place. It would have probably saved them some time and headaches.
  • Epic Fail: How DOES one fail as spectacularly has the Wright Brothers here?
  • Iron Butt Monkey: Orville.
  • Meaningless Meaningful Words: Thanks to Techno Babble, Wilber and Orville give their inventions meaningless names that all end in "gyro".
  • Pacifism Backfire: Otto meant well in trying to handle the mission with gentle encouragement and pacifism, but this was all lost on the Wrights because what they really needed all along was to be figuratively spoon-fed their directions. Or maybe Tuddrussel was right all along about how Violence Really Is the Answer to all their problems.
  • Ramp Jump: Attempted by Orville, but ultimately failed each time.
