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Recap / The World God Only Knows Potential Hosts Arc

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Chapters 118-129

Short Summary

Keima whittles down his list to five potential Goddess hosts amongst the girls he's interacted with so far.

Main Summary

To make sure nothing seems out of place, Elsea doubles as Kanon to become an idol singer in her place. Keima then asks Haqua to be his buddy for the week to help him search for the Jupiter Sisters. Afterwards, Keima deduces that the four remaining Jupiter Sisters are hiding amongst the girls he'd already conquered.

Through a breakdown of logical deduction amongst his capture targets, Keima is left with five potential hosts: Ayumi, Shiori, Chihiro, Tsukiyo and Yui. Keima then spends the day bringing out these Goddess candidates emotions; trying to find out if their memory returned like Kanons which would confirm any of them to be a Goddess host.

Once the day was over, Keima is greeted by two unexpected visitors at home, Nora...and Fiore.

  • Ascended Extra: Haqua takes over as Keima's temporary partner for the rest of the Goddess Saga to help him search for the other Jupiter Sisters.
  • Put on a Bus: Elsea is forced into Kanon's shoes to replace her as an idol. Effectively putting her out of the story for the entirety of the Goddess Saga.
