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Recap / The Wonder Years S 06 E 17 Eclipse

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Kevin's physics class takes a field trip to the Planetarium in observance of an eclipse. On the way there, Kevin, Winnie, Chuck, and Alice all play a game of truth or dare. When Winnie asks Kevin what he would change about her, he upsets her by saying nothing and that she's too perfect, while Alice gets really mad at Chuck for his responses. When the bus stops at a rest stop, Kevin learns that classmate Louis plans to drop a cherry bomb into the toilet during the eclipse, while Chuck gets locked in the restroom just before the bus leaves. Meanwhile, rebel girl Mary Jo accepts a dare from her friends to give a hickey to nerdy classmate Harlan.

At the planetarium gift shop, Winnie asks Kevin's opinion on a hat and then leaves, implying she is stealing it. She then criticizes Kevin for being too perfect, so Kevin decides to assist Louis in his plan to drop a cherry bomb. By the time of the eclipse, Kevin decides he wants out, while Chuck shows up right before the eclipse and the explosion occur. Afterwards, Louis gets arrested, the school gets banned from future field trips to the planetarium, it's implied that Mary Jo liked giving Harlan a hickey, Alice forgives Chuck, and Winnie informs Kevin that she had paid for the hat after all.

Includes examples of!!

  • Adults Are Useless: The teacher, who can't get the students to behave.
  • Butt-Monkey: Chuck. His girlfriend overreacts to what he says in truth or dare, he gets locked in the restroom and separated from the school, and gets a ride from a scary-looking driver.
  • Cassandra Truth: Winnie throws a spitball at the teacher to show that she's not as perfect as Kevin thinks. She even admits it to the teacher, but he thinks she's just covering for another student.
    • After getting back with the class, Chuck tells Alice what he went through, but she thinks he's just making up stories and should apologize.
  • Class Trip: The class goes to the planetarium, where Winnie and Alice get upset at their respective boyfriends after learning what they think about them in a game of truth or dare.
  • Saw Star Wars 27 Times: Chuck hitches a ride with a creepy-looking truck driver. Chuck tells him that he was thinking about an episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents involving a hitch hiker, then figures the driver hadn't seen that episode, but it turns out he had seen it 27 times.
