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Recap / The Totally Legit Learning Show With SMG 4

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SMG4 tries to show the police that he can make a kid-friendly show.

This episode of SMG4 has examples of:

  • Bullying a Dragon: SMG4's Short and Tall song is essentially him making fun of Meggy and Saiko's heights, so with the flamethrowers from each girl barbequeing him good, it's only predictable that they wouldn't let this slide.
  • Do Not Do This Cool Thing: Invoked. During Mr. Hal Monitor's Word of the Day segment, his description of the word "illegal" ends in a very violent war, which the kid toad finds cool… prompting Hal Monitor to beat him to a pulp.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: After Mr. Monitor tells a toad kid about the word illegal, the kid says he wants to do something illegal too. Naturally, Mr. Monitor doesn't take kindly to this, and SMG4 is soon vainly trying to drag him away before he can can beat him up further.
  • Noodle Incident: Swagmaster apparently ran over one of Chris' dates while attempting to show off his car once.
  • Pet the Dog: Despite said Reason You Suck Speech below, Swag openly, and without any Stealth Insult's or outer context, sincerely recites one single good moment he had with Chris:
    Swagmaster: Sponge Cake.
    Chris: Huh?
    Swagmaster: Sponge Cake. I remember this one New Year's Eve, I invited everyone I possibly knew to a big party at my house, but no one came, not even my own family...but you, Chris. You came and brought along this tiny ass box of sponge cake, all the shops were closed.
    Chris: So I tried making my own, but burnt most of it...
    Swagmaster: That's right. But you know what, Chris? It was one of the best damn cakes of my life and one of the craziest night's I've ever had.
    Chris: Christ Swag, that was so many years ago...
    Swagmaster: You may not have any good memories with me Chris...but I do.
  • Recycled Premise: This episode has the same premise as the episode "Mario Preschool".
  • "Shaggy Dog" Story: The police didn't like the show SMG4 had to offer.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Chris gives one to Swagmaster after being annoyed once again by him.
    Chris: Christ sakes, I can't do this. Everytime I tried to do something, something that i wanted, it always ends horribly.
    Swagmaster: Lol get good scrub.
    Chris: How have I been so stupid? YOU are the reason. The reason I've been held back from getting an actual job. Why I kept failing to meet other people.
    Swagmaster: Me?! I've been carrying your ass since we first met!
    Chris: What?! Continuously getting hurt, fired, shot and angry?! IS THAT WHAT YOU CALL CARRYING?!
    Swagmaster: I... Well... No. But we've had many moments together, right?
    Chris: Yeah... I wonder.
