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Recap / The Simpsons S 25 E 11 Specs In The City

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Episode - SABF06
First Aired - 1/26/2014

Homer's new Google Glass-style glasses, which Mr. Burns gave all of the nuclear plant workers so he could spy on them, uncovers evidence that Marge is seeking a marriage counsellor, where she admits she hates the grind of being a housewife. Meanwhile, Nelson forces Bart into getting him the best Valentine's Day gift ever.


  • Big Red Button: Or more specifically, many red buttons that are supposed to kill an employee wearing Oogle Goggles.
  • Call-Back: According to the Oogle Goggles, Maggie was an "Attempted Murderess".
  • Couch Gag: Homer is watching the Super Bowl, when Bart throws his supply of Duff Beer onto some electric cables. He notices a few moments later, attempts to climb the treehouse to get it back, and ends up drinking it while on the powerlines, causing flickering lights, and eventually an outage in Springfield. As mentioned below, this is actually Recycled Animation made back in 2007 for Channel 4, which was used as a Station Ident. If you ignore the lights and look at the roads, it makes the number "4" in the center, making this more obvious.
  • Dramatic Irony: A person wearing Oogle Goggles crashes into a billboard claiming better sight, which falls onto another user.
  • Exact Words: The form Homer is given at the psychology center has the answer for "Alcohol Intake" being "through mouth".
  • "Eureka!" Moment: Subverted. Bart thinks he can create one simply by saying, "Milhouse, you're a genius!" like they do on TV. It doesn't work.
  • Expy:
    • The Ooogle Goggles Augmented Reality glasses are ones for the soon-to-be-ill-fated Google Glass, even down to the design being pretty much identical.
    • Jen and Barry's ice cream is one for Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream, even sharing the same mascot and logo typeface.
  • Funny Background Event:
    • Homer puts nuclear rods on a Christmas tree near his station, which continues to deteriorate in the background.
    • The chalkboard in Bart's classroom reads: "Valentine's Day: No Kissing!!!!".
  • Goggles Do Something Unusual: They're Augmented Reality glasses that displays information about places, a user, and works as a personal assistant.
  • Going Commando: Nelson doesn't wear any underwear underneath his shorts, something which Jimbo makes Kearney aware of, to which Kearney responds with admiration of Nelson for his foresight to even do this.
  • Medium Awareness: Homer's response to Lenny getting his surname wrong is "Don't you ever look at the sky?", which is followed immediately by the first few seconds of the intro, and Lenny remarking "I always wondered what that was."
  • Open the Door and See All the People: Inverted. Homer discovers Marge being unhappy on Tuesdays, but perky and relaxed on Wednesdays. On Tuesdays, he remembers opening the door to his home and seeing Lisa being ill, Maggie crying, a stressed out Marge, and a fully nude Bart running around the house.
  • Political Overcorrectness: In a far cry from Season 4's "I Love Lisa" (much of which revolved around the aftermath of Lisa giving Ralph a valentine after seeing his sad reaction when no one else gives him one), Springfield Elementary now forces each student to give valentines to every kid in their class, fearing depression, suicidality and/or future evildoing if a kid gets left out. This induces Valentine's Day Vitriol in both Bart and Lisa by completely negating the holiday.
  • Recycled Animation: This episode's Couch Gag is an animated re-edit of a Station Ident that was commissioned by UK broadcaster Channel 4 in 2007, which was used to play directly before an episode (prior to 2015, when it got changed). Despite the animators' best efforts, you can still very clearly see the roads that make up the number "4" in the center of the screen, even when the lights in Springfield no longer match the pattern. You can view the original here if you're curious.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Homer mentions FunnyOrDie, which is used as a metric as to whether a video is good or not.
    • Marge mentioning The Matrix once she puts on the goggles.
    • One of the employees is writing Angry Birds fanfiction.
  • Skewed Priorities: Burns spent $26 million on a surveillance system after the company lost $7043 in stolen office supplies.
  • Take That!:
    • Towards Google and its privacy invading practices, an important topic at the time, which has since extended to other online corporations.
    • One of the Valentine cards is Legend Of The Guardians The Owls Of Ga Hoole-themed, prompting Bart to insult the movie.
