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Recap / The Review Team S 1 E 1 The Gathering

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The first episode of the Review Team and one of only two to be told in POV fashion.

Sir, having risen from the dead, decides to combat the mysterious 'Great Evil'. To do so, he creates a space-base and he gathers 10 different people to preserve film (which apparently weakens it). In order: Godzilla 2000, Twilight Sparkle, Finn the Human, Marceline the Vampire Queen, Mothra, Fluttershy, Basil, Megatron (his Tranformers Prime incarnation), Discord, and Mr. Freeze (the Arnold Schwarzenegger version). This is mostly seen from Godzilla's POV as he's drafted.

Yeah, you can see why this was all ret-conned in the next episode, which made everyone less robotic and dull.
