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Recap / The Office USS 9 E 7 The Whale

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The girls in the office help Dwight gear up make a sale to a woman who may become one of their biggest clients.

Jim has a hard time having a meeting with his new sports advertisement company.

Angela gets suspicious that her husband is having an affair and enlists Oscar to help her.


  • Bad Boss: Judging from the borderline-traumatised way her assistant Molly tiptoes around in a state of near-constant terror and panic, Jan is clearly not a great person to work for these days.
  • The Bus Came Back: The buyer turns out to be Jan, who set up the sale in an attempt to get David Wallace to come talk with her, clearly so that she could reject him in person and get some vicarious revenge for being fired.
  • Continuity Nod: Jan's affair with Hunter and taste for young boys is brought up again. Both something that Pam mentions and something that Dwight uses against her, convincing her to become a client by using one of the young new interns to seduce her into becoming a client.
  • Dramatic Irony: Angela enlists Oscar to help her find out whether the Senator is having an affair, ignorant that Oscar is the one the Senator is having an affair with.
  • Foreshadowing: A very subtle example. When Pam realises that the person they're having their meeting with hasn't given them a name and politely asks Molly for it, Molly inexplicably seems to have some kind of "blue-screen" moment where she clearly doesn't know how to respond before blurting out that the person will be in shortly and scurrying away. When it turns out to be Jan, and Jan realises that David Wallace will not be present in person, she furiously yells for Molly, who weakly tries to defend herself by pointing out that Jan had explicitly instructed that her name was not to be revealed, meaning that things got confused.
  • Hoist by Her Own Petard: Downplayed; when Jan learns that David Wallace isn't coming to the meeting she takes it out on her assistant Molly, who tries to defend herself by pointing out that things got confused due to both Jan's insistence that no one reveal her name (so as to keep the surprise) and her insistence on making her staff wear bluetooth headpieces which are hard to use and hear with.
  • Internal Reveal: Angela finally realizes that Oscar is having an affair with the Senator.
  • Nightmare Face: Dwight's face of someone who is listening terrifies Nellie.
  • Oh, Crap!: Pam, when she recognizes the painting hanging on the wall and realizes that the buyer is Jan.
  • Put on a Bus: Both Andy and Clark leave for a little bit; Andy sailing away on a trip with his brother to sell the family boat, while Clark goes on a retreat with Jan. This was to write in both actors being scheduled for movie roles in The Hangover: Part III and Kick-Ass 2, respectively.
  • Vengeance Denied: Downplayed; Jan has very clearly set up the pitch with Dunder Mifflin to give her an opportunity to stick it to David Wallace in revenge for David firing her many years ago. She is consequently miffed to discover that David has delegated the meeting to Dwight and Pam instead, meaning that while she'll still be sticking it to Dunder Mifflin she won't get the chance to rub it into David's face personally.
