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Recap / The Nostalgia Critic S 4 E 37

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Release: October 4, 2011

Film: The Tommyknockers (1993)

This review contains examples of:

  • Call-Back: To Randy Newman's bad songs, first used in the James and the Giant Peach review:
    Critic: (as Randy Newman, singing) Officers / They don't use words for the ladies...
    • To "Frying the Coke", first used in the Double Team review.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: When talking about the cheating husband:
    Critic: Even Darth Vader would be like, "Dude, you're a fucking ass!"
  • Felony Misdemeanor: The Critic's outrage at the cheating husband throwing away the sandwiches his wife made for him.
    Critic: OH, MY GOD, HE NIXED THE SANDWICHES! HE NIXED THE SANDWICHES! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! Cheating on your wife is one thing, but throwing her sandwiches out the window? You are a bad, BAD MAN!

"All warm and safe and toasty."
