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Recap / The Most Popular Girls In School S 03 E 20

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After Brittany punches Jenna Darabond in the nose for blowing up her car, Mr. Mack calls for a parent-teacher conference.


  • Bait-and-Switch: We see Brittnay on the phone with her mother, as always—but this time, she appears right before a still-talking Brittnay.
  • Embarrassing Damp Sheets: Veronica mortifies Brittnay when the former starts to tell everyone in the classroom a funny childhood story about the latter that involves these.
  • Given Name Reveal: Judith's surname is finally revealed to be Dinsmore.
  • Mama Bear: Trisha's mother was under the mistaken assumption the conference was about someone having a problem with her daughter dating Matthew Derringer, and was not happy about it.
  • Pet the Dog: Despite generally being neglectful and uncaring, Mrs. Zales does briefly go Mama Bear on her assistant after he makes a crack about Mackenzie.
