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Recap / The Flash 2014 S 8 E 14 Funeral For A Friend

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Each member of Team Flash deals with the loss of one of their family members in their own way.


  • Bait-and-Switch: In the final scene of the episode, Taylor returns to Iris' office mentioning about investigating the other people working with The Flash, implying that Iris will take this information and use it to come up with costumes and secret identities for Allegra and Cecile. However, this is rendered moot when it's shown that Iris herself has been whisked off to the Still Force.
  • Breather Episode: Zig-zagged. On the one hand, with the threat of such an intense and dangerous enemy like Deathstorm firmly in the rear-view mirror and the episode's only threat treated as nothing more than a minor annoyance, it's definitely a much calmer episode than the Story Arc immediately preceding it. On the other hand, the entire episode's tone is somber and dour as the team has to process Frost's death, and the episode's final scene with Iris reminds viewers that even with Deathstorm gone, the other major danger this season—Iris' time sickness—still very much remains a serious problem with no clear solution yet in sight.
  • Butt-Monkey: Korber once more, losing a hotdog eating contest to Barry.
  • Cliffhanger:
    • Caitlin wants to revive Frost with Mark's help.
    • Iris disappears again after a short chat with Taylor.
  • Continuity Nod: Apparently, Wild Dog uses one of Joe's mops as a bo staff.
  • Damn You, Muscle Memory!: While Chester gives instructions to the team fighting Blockbuster, he instinctively gives orders to Frost as well.
  • Drowning My Sorrows: Mark, wrecking O'Shaughnessy's in the process.
  • Due to the Dead: All members deal with Frost's death in their own way. Most notably, Barry completes her To-Do list.
  • The Friends Who Never Hang: Iris realizes how she never really got to know Frost, something she cannot rectify anymore now.
  • Harmless Freezing: Mark freezes half of O'Shaughnessy's in a drunken, grief-induced rage, even freezing the Bartender's hand to the bar, who seems only slightly irritated by it.
  • Heel Realization: The prosecutor during Frost's trial had one, being inspired by Frost to become a defender for metas instead.
  • Heroic Rematch: Combined with Offscreen Moment of Awesome, as Team Flash deals with Blockbuster completely offscreen after dealing with their grief.
  • It's Always Sunny at Funerals: Frost's funeral takes place on a beautiful day, as does the afterward reception at Joe's place. Unusually for this trope the funeral isn't actually held in a cemetery, but in a funeral parlor.
  • Jerkass Ball: Mainly due to the grief, in two cases.
    • Allegra and Chester fight over mundane things such as hummus on a sandwich.
    • Caitlin blows up at Barry, when the latter tries to convince her to come to the funeral.
  • Morality Chain Beyond the Grave: Barry is ultimately able to convince Caitlin that Frost wouldn't want her to shut herself off. Caitlin then comes to the funeral, holding the eulogy.
  • Mood Swing: Mark gives a short, heartwarming speech about Frost and then passes out from drinking too much.
  • Mundane Utility: Barry beats reigning champion Korber in a CCPD competitive eating challenge despite having no background or experience in the sport, presumably due to his super-fast metabolism—and no one there suspects it's due to superpowers (as he's not actually using his Super-Speed while eating, even though he probably could) and presumably thinks he's just naturally gifted (other than Kramer, who already knows his identity).
  • Mythology Gag: Allegra sarcastically calls Chester "Condiment King."
  • Powered Armor: Blockbuster has an Exosuit that is strong enough to tear down a building and extremely durable as well. It also has a Stealth Mode.
  • Sensory Overload: Cecile's own grief as well as the panic of the people in the wrecked building causes her to collapse, being unable to stop Blockbuster.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: One might think that Cisco and Ralph would have come to Frost's funeral, or at the very least sent messages of support to Caitlin, given that Ralph in particular was very close to Frost and Cisco and Caitlin were best friends. While obviously the actors can't show up, it would've been good for them to be at least mentioned.
  • Worf Had the Flu: Team Flash can't subdue a relatively "simple" villain like Blockbuster in the beginning because they're still dealing with their grief over Frost's death, something which Barry himself notes.
  • Worst. Whatever. Ever!: Blockbuster calls Team Flash the worst heroes ever.
