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Recap / The Boondocks S 2 E 11 The S Word

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Riley's teacher, Mr. Petto, calls him a "nigga", which becomes a newsworthy incident. It turns out this is actually because Riley, being Riley, used the word first, and Mr. Petto was just parroting him. Regardless, Robert and Riley want to cash in on the incident, to Huey's disapproval. This eventually blows out of proportion, getting Rollo Goodlove and Ann Coulter involved and pitting them against each other.


  • Didn't Think This Through: Robert learns the hard way that he can't sue the school in hopes of striking it rich, because the school doesn't make that much money anyway, or as much as he wanted. This is evidenced by the principal laughing at the unrevealed settlement and instead suspending the teacher. Tom warned him about this.
  • Gave Up Too Soon: When Huey tells Robert to give up on getting rich from suing the school, Robert finally listens and heads home. They later see Rollo's protesters get attacked by another group and is frequently called the n-word on the TV news. Robert believes Rollo will get rich for sure and chews out his grandson for losing out on the scheme too early.
  • Lame Comeback:
    Huey: Don't listen to him, Granddad. He just wants to use us to get press for his stupid sitcom on BET.
    Rollo: Or, maybe, I'm using my "stupid sitcom" to get you some press, boy!
    Huey: But you're not.
    Rollo: Or, am I?
    Huey: No.
    Rollo: Or.. yes?
    (Huey just stares at him, mouth agape.)
  • Ripped from the Headlines: Like quite a few Boondocks premises, this was based on a true incident involving a white teacher getting in trouble for calling his black student a "nigga" when in actuality, he was simply repeating the word when it was first used by the student. The teacher even goes on to justify his actions because he claims he wasn't trying to be racist.
  • Smart People Wear Glasses: Riley wears glasses for the press interview, in order to appear to be the acomplished student he actually is not.
  • Title Drop: The principal of Riley and Huey's school mentions the alleged "S word" being forbidden as it is considered offensive to black people. note 
