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Recap / The Big Bang Theory S 3 E 2 The Jiminy Conjecture

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"The Jiminy Conjecture" is an episode of The Big Bang Theory that first aired on September 28, 2009. Directed by Mark Cendrowski. Written by Jim Reynolds.

Leonard and Penny try to sort out their relationship status after their first sexual encounter was just "fine" or "okay." Trying again under heavy inebriation proves inconducive to a better second time and the two of them instead spend the night vomiting.

Meanwhile, Sheldon, Howard, and Raj hear a cricket in the apartment and a challenge ensues as to the correct taxonomic classification of the pest, which Sheldon obstinately certain it's not an ordinary cricket. Raj wonders what "the non-pathetic people" are doing tonight.

Tropes that appear in this episode:

  • The Bet: Sheldon and Howard argue over whether a cricket in the apartment is either a common field cricket or a snowy tree cricket. Eventually, they make a bet over who is right; the loser gives the winner a prized comic book from their collection. After consulting the university's entomologist Prof. Crawley, Howard wins the bet.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Sheldon, even more so than usual:
    • When Penny asks what Raj and Howard are laughing at, Sheldon attempts to explain only for Leonard to say "Duh-duh-duh-duh-duh!", which is essentially asking him to be quiet. Unfortunately, Sheldon mistakes this for (terrible) Morse Code and continues with what he was saying as if no-one had interrupted.
    • On two separate occasions throughout the episode, Sheldon suspects that he's crossed a line but can't pinpoint what line he's crossed. The first time, he eventually figures it out, note  but the second time he thinks about it for only a few seconds before giving up, even admitting that he doesn't care.
    • After Sheldon mentions losing his comic book to Wolowitz, Penny tries to make him feel better by saying she's not feeling great either, but Sheldon can't understand why that would make him feel better. Even when Penny explains the reason (empathy), the blank look on Sheldon's face makes it clear he still doesn't get it.
  • Continuity Nod: Sheldon mentions the twin sister he used to fight with, whom we met last season.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Downplayed in that it proves not to be too much of an issue, but it isn't until after Howard has made the bet and Sheldon accepts that they realise they will need to find and examine the cricket to know for sure what species it is, and that's only after Raj points it out to them.
  • Don't Explain the Joke: Sheldon tells Raj that, given his fear of both women and bugs, ladybugs must paralyze him. When Raj stares at him, Sheldon explains the joke, and it's even less funny.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: Professor Crawley was called "Creepy Crawley" in school due to his interest in insects and arachnids. Even Sheldon finds this cruel.
  • Feathered Fiend: Sheldon talks about a chicken who confronted him in his childhood.note 
    Howard: Okay, okay, tell you what. I am willing to bet anything that’s an ordinary field cricket.
    Sheldon: I can’t take your money.
    Howard: What’s the matter, you chicken?
    Sheldon: I’ve always found that an inappropriate slur. Chickens are not, by nature, at all timid. In fact, when I was young, my neighbour’s chicken got loose and chased me up the big elm tree in front of our house.
    Raj: Chickens can’t climb trees.
    Sheldon: Thank God.
    Howard: Okay, I believe a chicken made you his bitch. But the cricket thing, I don’t buy. Bet me.
  • Grumpy Old Man: While it's not stated how old Professor Crawley is, he looks a lot older than the main cast, and he's definitely grumpy. Granted, that was to be expected considering who plays him.
  • Humiliating Wager: A mild example. While Sheldon is upset about losing his comic book, he's more upset about losing to Wolowitz.
  • I Gave My Word: While he is upset about losing, Sheldon nevertheless keeps his word about giving his comic book to Howard.
  • Inherently Funny Words: Penny buys peppermint schnapps simply because she likes to say "schnapps".
    Penny: Hey, Leonard?
    Leonard: What?
    Penny: Schnapps! (heavily emphasizes the "-ps" sound)
    Leonard: (looking up in thought) Schnapps... (also emphasizing the "-ps" sound) You're right, that is fun!
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Sheldon may not care about Leonard and Penny's relationship one way or another, but he isn't wrong when he says they can always go back to being friends if their love life doesn't work out, and Penny even agrees with him.
  • Meaningful Name: Professor Crawley (Lewis Black) is an apt name for an entomologist (one who studies insects), as he himself notes.
  • Not So Similar: Penny attempts to empathise with Sheldon's bet loss by noting that while he's upset about something with Howard, she's upset about something with Leonard. Sheldon, however, points out that there's a big difference between those two scenarios; while she and Leonard can always go back to being Just Friends, Sheldon can never return to a point where he hasn't lost a bet to Howard.
  • Pest Episode: The B plot has Sheldon, Howard and Raj trying to catch a cricket loose in Sheldon and Leonard's apartment.
  • Relationship Upgrade: Leonard and Penny.
  • Screams Like a Little Girl: Raj’s reaction to getting spooked by Howard while in Professor Crawley’s lab.
  • Shiksa Goddess: Howard tries to explain the concept to Raj.
    Howard: A shiksa goddess isn't an actual goddess. You don't pray to them, you prey on them.
  • Shout-Out: Raj compares Professor Crawley’s lab to Buffalo Bill’s lair in The Silence of the Lambs.
  • Sophisticated as Hell: When Howard looks up the cricket on a book, this exchange occurs.
    Howard: There we are, the common field cricket. Gryllus assimilis, which is Latin for "Suck it, you lose!"
    Sheldon: Hang on. [flips through book] Voila! The snowy tree cricket. AKA, Oceanthus fultoni, which is Latin for "I'll suck nothing!" Of course I'm joking, because the Latin for that is "Nihil exsorbibo".
  • Too Clever by Half: Sheldon is this in general, but it especially shows here. During his and Howard's argument at the start of the episode, Sheldon claims that if he were wrong, he'd know it, which is basically the same as saying that he's never wrong. Much of the episode involves him and Howard trying to settle a bet about whether the chirping they're hearing is that of an ordinary field cricket or a snowy tree cricket, with Sheldon believing the latter based on the number of chirps per minute and the ambient temperature of the room. Unfortunately for Sheldon, this is one case in which he proves to be wrong, and he loses an old comic book to Howard as a result.
  • Vomit Chain Reaction: Leonard is puking on the toilet after drinking too much. Penny peeks inside and starts throwing up on the sink. Then Leonard sees her and heads back to the toilet.
