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Recap / The Americans S 3 E 3 Open House

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Gabriel identifies one of the people Philip photographed meeting with Yousaf as Paswell, and tells him to concentrate on him, as he's selling his house because he needs money. Posing as a couple looking to buy the house, Elizabeth and Philip go into the house, and Philip manages to find some canceled checks. However, when Elizabeth and Philip are driving around the neighborhood, they pick up a CIA tail, and the FBI soon joins them. Philip is able to sneak out of the vehicle, and later sends a coded message to Joan (Polly Lee), George's replacement, to have other cars intercept the tail so Elizabeth is able to escape. When Elizabeth gets home, and realizes Elizabeth's teeth are still bothering her, he gets her drunk so he can pull them out himself. Against Gabriel's orders, Elizabeth and Philip later follow Paswell, and discover his boss' daughter is Paswell's babysitter.

Zinaida continues to go out on speaking engagements to proclaim how bad the Soviet Union is, but while she's enjoying herself, Stan starts to become uneasy and believe Zinaida might not be who she says she is.

Elsewhere, Arkady tells Oleg that Oleg's father has sent orders for Oleg to be transferred home, but after thinking about it, Oleg decides to stay. Also, Elizabeth is training Hans (Peter Mark Kendall) to help her.

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