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Recap / The Adventures of Puss in Boots S2E2 "Moles"

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Directed by: Roy Burdine

Written by: Doug Langdale

In need of some money to pay for the repairs to the town due to the Dragon attack, Jack Sprat suggests they look for buried treasure under San Lorenzo which leads to the discovery of an underground mole kingdom.


  • Call-Back:
    • The Donkey-Eared thief is still around.
    • When the Mole King first sees clouds, he starts uncontrollably hiccuping. Artephius pegs it as the same supposedly crazy Cloud-Induced Hiccuping he was ranting about in "Mouse".
  • Cloudcuckoolander: The Mole King cherishes his Bally because it shows him a show about great king like him, actually just his reflection.
  • Continuity Creep: The first signs of it are beginning to show; while this episode's plot is about as self-contained as any other, it is also immediately following up on and addressing the consequences of the episode prior.
  • Cool and Unusual Punishment: Jack, after his greed led to even more destruction to the town, has to give up his share of the jewels for the repairs and refill the hole all by himself.
  • Insult to Rocks:
    Dulcinea: Puss, after all Jack has done, how can you trust that... that...
    Jack: Lovable rogue?
    Dulcinea: Horse's bottom!
    [Babieca whinnies]
    Dulcinea: I'm sorry Babieca, that was in insult... to your bottom.
  • Jerkass: Even after being given a free invitation to all the precious gems he can carry, Jack also decides to steal the Mole King's ball, knowing full well it'll cause trouble.
  • Parrot Exposition:
    Jack: Oh, c'est beaucoup de joyau!
    Puss: That is a lot of jewels!
    Jack: This is what I said.
    Puss: I know. I was translating for our friends here.
    Mole Man: That is very considerate of you!
  • Worthless Yellow Rocks: The Mole Kingdom considers their precious gems to be worthless garbage, and gladly let Puss and Jack take it away.
