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Recap / The 7 DS 2 E 9 B Chicken Soup For The Troll

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When the Queen comes down with a case of Yodeladyflu, The 7D (sans Bashful) set off to retrieve the cure which is Jollywood Jane's chicken soup which was stolen by trolls who also have the Yodeladyflu.

This episode has the following tropes

  • Artistic License – Physics: Queen Delightful's Yodel-Lady Flu carries her into the air, and Bashful, who's trying to hold her down, is carried up with her. In a shot where Doc reaches her to feed her the soup, she's somersaulting about the air. Bashful is hanging onto the fishing pole right where he is, but he should be flailing about madly through the air behind her.
  • Bad News in a Good Way: To keep everyone calm, Happy informs the crowd that the race isn't off, but temporarily delayed since the queen has the Yodeladyflu.
  • Bait-and-Switch: The queen looked like she was going to sing the Jollywood anthem...until she starts yodelling and flipping.
  • The Big Race: The Pickle Barrel 500.
  • Big "WHAT?!": Grumpy says this four times.
  • Brick Joke: When Doc gives Bashful a fishing rod the latter asks the former what would he needed it for. Later on, he uses the rod to keep Queen Delightful from floating any higher.
  • Continuity Nod: This is the second episode that takes place in the Jollywood arena.
  • Cutaway Gag: The Jollywood chicken soup ad.
  • Dressing as the Enemy / Paper-Thin Disguise: The 7D (sans Bashful) dress up as trolls to get some of the soup and to avoid getting caught.
  • Find the Cure!: The plot of this episode.
  • Flight: The main problem with the Yodeladyflu is that whoever catches it will float away.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: If you look closely, the scoreboard from "Jollyball Anyone?" appears in several shots.
  • Funny Background Event: Starchbottom is seen panicking like a mad-man.
  • Glad You Thought of It: "Now I know why Doc gave me this fishing rod."
  • Mass "Oh, Crap!": The whole crowd and Bashful have this reaction when the queen starts flipping in midair.
  • Midair Repair: Not exactly a repair but Doc managed to cure the queen while in mid-flight.
  • Motivation on a Stick: Sir Yips-a-Lot with a pickle-on-a-stick to help him win the race.
  • National Anthem: The Jollywood Anthem.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: The 6D accidentally reveal their situation to the Glooms causing them to take the soup. Fortunately, they catch the Yodeladyflu causing them to drop it.
  • Not Me This Time: Subverted. When the 6D go to the Glooms to ask where they kept the soup they had nothing to do with it. That is until they reveal their situation to them causing them to get involved.
  • Rod And Reel Repurposed: How Bashful tries to keep the queen from floating away.
  • Running Gag:
    • Starchbottom freaking out in the background.
    • Queen Delightful's Yodeladyflu symptoms getting worse.
    • Bashful trying to keep the queen from going any higher.
  • Shout-Out: The title "Chicken Soup for the Troll" is a pun on the book Chicken Soup for the Soul.
  • Stealth Pun: After being carried into the sky, Bashful states that he's fly-fishing.
  • This Is No Time to Panic: Starchy says this before freaking out himself.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: It's unknown what happened to the Glooms after catching the Yodeladyflu.
