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Recap / Teen Titans Go S 4 E 42 Demon Prom

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When Trigon forces Raven to attend her prom, she brings the rest of the Titans along with her just to upset him.

The Tropes in this Episode Holds

  • Ax-Crazy: As the Demon Prom King, Robin lets the power go to his head.
  • Cute Kitten: Starfire unleashes a bag full of kitties at the prom.
  • Hoist by Her Own Petard: Raven's plan to have her teammates' toxic personalities ruin the prom goes south when they begin rapping about electing her as prom queen.
  • I Kiss Your Hand: Robin kisses Raven's hand while acting as her date.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Raven tells the Titans that the being Demon Prom Queen means she'll be ruling the underworld for the next millennium.
    Raven: You think that's what demon prom is about? Making memories? It's about deciding who's gonna rule the underworld for the next millennium, you dorks!
  • Nothing but Skulls: Robin's prom king throne in the underworld sits on a mountain of skulls.
  • Produce Pelting: A demon throws a tomato at Robin on stage when he threatens to read a poem.
  • The Prom Plot: Raven is made to go to Demon Prom by her father Trigon under threat of him destroying the world.
  • Prom Wrecker: Raven brings the Titans along knowing their toxic personalities will wreck even a demonic prom and keep her from becoming Demon Prom Queen.
  • Running Gag:
    • Robin demanding everyone kneel before him as the Prom King.
    • Trigon constantly telling Robin "Shut up, dork."
  • Shout-Out:
    • When Raven says the Titans are her squad, Trigon says "This is not a Taylor Swift video."
    • When the Titans are teleported to Demon Prom, it's an utterly boring party. Cyborg says it doesn't look like "a John Hughes kind of situation."
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Raven gives this to the Titans when they help her win Demon Prom Queen, telling them it means the winner rule the underworld for the next millennium.
