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Recap / Teen Titans Go S 3 E 6 Im The Sauce

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The Titans are stuck in the tower on a rainy day, and play games to cheer the clouds up and bring back the sun.

  • Big "NEVER!": Cyborg lets one out when he says he REALLY doesn't wanna do the spaghetti dance.
  • Broke the Rating Scale: When the Titans minus Robin start bullying a cloud for a new rainy day, Robin's tablet is cracking as the sadness meter climbs up.
  • Bullying a Dragon: After the other four Titans bully the cloud, they start getting electrocuted by lightning.
  • Cringe Comedy: The Titans cringe at Robin doing the spaghetti dance. Starfire especially so, since she's locked in a position where she has to be carried out of the room.
  • Cue the Sun: Twice. The first from the game of Heads Up 7-Up, then the next time when they do the spaghetti dance.
  • Dance Party Ending: Once the skies are cleared up, the Titans dance away the last few seconds of the episode.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Starfire's starbolts don't work on the lightning cloud because it's, well, a cloud.
  • Enemy Mine: The Titans play an epic game of Heads Up 7-Up by gathering every hero and villain in the series...all to make a rainy day go away.
  • Food as Bribe: Robin convinces the other Titans to do rainy day activities by giving out chocolate milk. He does the same thing for every other hero and villain in a game of Heads Up 7-Up.
  • It Has Been an Honor: As all but Cyborg join in the spaghetti dance, Robin tells them that if they don't make it, this has been "the best bowl of spaghetti ever made."
  • Punctuated Pounding: Robin shouting "ASK! ME! WHY!" as he beats up Beast Boy, wanting the Titans to ask where rain comes from.
  • Serious Business: Robin tells the Titans that rainy day activities (popsicle stick cabins and volcanos) are only for rainy days.
  • Title Drop: Raven says "And I'm the sauce" when she joins in the spaghetti dance.
