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Recap / Team 8 Chapter 3 "First Mission"

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"A well-trained shinobi team can move together like a well-oiled machine, and becomes much more effective than just the sum of its members. We call this extra bonus 'synergy'."

Short version

The team begins training and completing missions together, revealing that Shino is more capable than he showed in the exams, and that Naruto's clones have a remarkable level of independence and creative thought, while Hinata is very skilled but seems unable to accept compliments easily (or even understand that they are compliments). Naruto's more serious attitude is demonstrated when he walks away from being insulted by Sasuke and Sakura, instead of starting a fight.

Longer version

Hinata and Shino meet at training area nineteen. Soon after, Kurenai arrives with Naruto in his new outfit. Considering his new uniform and his attentiveness to Kurenai, Hinata wonders about Naruto's true disposition.

Kurenai assigns Hinata and Shino speed and endurance exercises outside meetings, and explains that they will spar each other and learn to collaborate during meetings. Hinata and Naruto spar first, though Hinata does not expel chakra to avoid crippling attacks with the Gentle Fist. Naruto compliments her afterward, to her surprise. Kurenai spars with Shino, and reveals that he is more capable than he lets on. She declares that teammates shouldn't keep secrets. Naruto then spars with Shino, while Kurenai teaches Hinata more advanced blocking techniques.

After the team finishes sparring, they report to the Hokage's tower for an assignment. He assigns them a D-rank mission to help the injured herbalist Yukitaza. Kurenai and Shino work on the roof, while Naruto and Hinata work in the garden. Kurenai is shocked when Naruto not only creates several clones capable of working independently, but imbues each with convincing personalities.

While gardening, Naruto tries to warmly compliment Hinata. He accidentally offends her, but after explaining himself, she is astonished at being praised. Hinata then works in the kitchen while Naruto cleans the house. Naruto and Shino next make deliveries for Yukitaza while Kurenai helps Hinata in the kitchen. Kurenai assures Hinata of Naruto's awkward genuineness.

After finishing the assignment, Kurenai gives her students coupons for Ramen Ichiraku. Kurenai privately asks Naruto to tell Might Guy that Tenten and Lee could participate in her upcoming genjutsu lesson. She also explains that Hinata doesn't appear to be used to receiving approval. As the three genin head to Ichiraku, Naruto lets slip that he is taking lessons with Guy. Fearing the others might suspect favoritism, Naruto explains it self-deprecatingly.

Teuchi graciously serves the three. Shino remarks that Naruto's clones are uniquely tangible and self-aware, a praiseworthy trait. Naruto appreciates this.

Team 7 arrives, having passed Kakashi's bell test. Naruto senses killing intent from Sasuke, who is still angry about Naruto's earlier ambush. A quarrel results. When Sakura gratuitously and accusatively insults Naruto, he storms off. Angered, Hinata rebukes Sakura, and Shino supports the Hyuuga. The two leave as Teuchi scolds Team 7.

Shino starts to reconsider his opinion of Naruto, and Hinata prepares herself for her father's interrogation.


  • Achievements in Ignorance: Naruto manages to give his Shadow Clones such personality that Kurenai thought one of them was the real Naruto. He could do this partially because he thought it just made sense.
  • Awesomeness by Analysis: The ability to read human intentions is an art among the Hyuuga, initiated by Hinata's ancestor Hinaro. Hinata can sense some emotions, but doesn't consider herself very good at it.
  • Beware the Quiet Ones: Shino is quite vocal to Team 7 on Naruto's behalf.
  • Compliment Backfire:
    • Naruto tries to praise Hinata by saying she isn't like other girls. It goes well.
    • At Ichiraku, Shino notes that Kurenai couldn't tell the difference between Naruto and a clone. Naruto first takes this as an insult, but Shino clarifies that the authenticity of his clones is impressive.
  • Mundane Utility: Naruto's shadow clones make it easy to carry wood and pull weeds, while Hinata's all-seeing eyes ensure that he doesn't pull out the wrong plants.
  • That Came Out Wrong: Naruto tries and initially fails to compliment Hinata.
