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Recap / Superjail S 3 E 10 Burn Stoolie Burn

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Airdate: December 9, 2012
Written by: Ethan T. Berlin
Story editor: Janine DiTullio

Lord Stingray leads a band of inmates in hopes of stealing the Warden's safe, but after the Warden mistakes Ash's intentions for that of friendship, the two quickly bond over their shared interests. But all this poor communication is just building to one huge disaster...

"Burn Stoolie Burn" contains examples of:

  • A Day in the Limelight: For Ash this time around, and the Warden playing his own big part as usual.
  • Cliffhanger: Another one, meant as a way to tease and lead into season 4.
  • Continuity Nod: The Residents-esque workers in the Warden's eyecraft were previously used at the end of "Sticky Discharge".
    • The Warden has a toy of the Superjail Mechadrill from "Mayhem Donor" in his playroom.
    • The Warden dresses up in his captain uniform from "Vacation" when he takes Ash on a hot air balloon ride.
    • Ash's cell still has the burnt-up body of an unlucky cellmate inside of it.
    • In a few frames of Paul's fantasy, the Warden's face quickly resembles the Inner Child's as he tears into Ash.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Jailbot, seemingly, as he sends Alice and Jared away and winds up enveloped in flames.
  • Imagine Spot: Paul imagines that the Warden must be busy murdering and devouring Ash, after he and the others realize how difficult it is to open the safe they stole from his room.
  • Let the Past Burn: The Warden inadvertently does this to the jail in the end, due to his newfound love of fire and believing that he needed to burn things in order to scare the inmates. He and Ash end up torching the entire place, with many inmates either burnt to death or slaughtered in other ways as a result of the chaos. It appears that Nicky, Jean, and Paul have been spared the worst though, as the Twins eventually let them into their hideout.
  • Sequel Hook: Lord Stingray and Alice discover that Jared's escape pod is programmed to go to Ultraprison. Meanwhile, the jail has essentially become Hell due to it burning and several creatures from the "Superhell" dimension breaking free.
  • Stock Footage: The "super-deformed Wardens and dolphins" animation is re-used from the previous episode ("Planet Radio"), but with the dolphins recolored to be pink.
    • The background of the Warden's eyecraft and some of the workers typing away is recycled footage from their appearance in "Sticky Discharge".
  • Troubled Backstory Flashback: The Warden attempts to think a happy thought, but all he can recall is the time that his father ordered a bunch of ponies to be slaughtered and turned into glue.
    • Ash reminisces about ponies in turn, but his happy flashback soon turns disturbing due to him having accidentally set the ponies on fire, along with a barn and the very hospital he was staying at.
  • "What Now?" Ending: So Superjail's been burnt up, Alice and Stingray have escaped (unwillingly) to Ultraprison, Jared has missed out on getting to see Charise again, and last we saw the Warden and Ash were STILL burning things. Then there's the matter of the legions of Superhell, as well as that unusual safe...
