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Recap / Sons Of Anarchy S 4 E 8

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The vote for stripping Clay of his presidency is about to take place while the Lobos Sonora strike back. Juice is saved by a chance from his suicide attempt, but Chibs finds out about it.

  • Bungled Suicide: Juice is almost strangled to death by a chain before the branch snaps and he falls to the ground.
  • Death in the Limelight: The episode focuses a lot on Piney Winston who dies at the end of it.
  • Decapitation Presentation: The Cartel bring a bag filled with the heads of SAMTAZ members and Mayans to the clubhouse.
  • Defiant to the End: Piney resists Clay until the very end, only asking not to hurt Tara.
  • Gangland Drive-By: The Lobos Sonora attack the clubhouse while the vote is going on.
  • The Secret of Long Pork Pies: Chucky tries to hide severed heads in the chili he's cooking, and a couple of police officers try it, none the wiser about it and actually enjoying it.
  • Squick: Gemma finds a severed head in her chili and barely manages to keep her voice down while also preventing Tara from seeing it.
  • Truth Serum: Luis uses sodium thiopental on a Sonora gunman to make him spill his beans.
  • Wham Episode: Clay crosses deeper into villainy, shooting Piney in the chest with a shotgun and framing the Lobos Sonora for it.
