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Recap / Sons Of Anarchy S 4 E 2

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Gemma is not happy to know that either Jax or Tara know about her and Clay's involvement in John Teller's death and decides to do something about it. Clay decides to make a deal with the Gallindo Cartel, and Jax agrees to it in exchange for being allowed to quit the club when Clay steps down as the president.

  • Badass in Distress: Jax and Opie get captured by the Russians at Wahewa.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Romeo and his people rescue Jax and Opie from the Russians.
  • The Cartel: Alvarez gets Clay in touch with the Gallindo Cartel through their representative, Romeo Parada.
  • Honest Advisor: Bobby tells Clay that his drug deal with the Cartel is a mistake that may kill the club.
  • Intentional Mess Making: Roosevelt takes an axe to the clubhouse to make his point and give some fines to SAMCRO.
  • Lack of Empathy: Linc Potter isn't exactly distraught about his agent's death, claiming that the Sons are growing bolder and thus easier to take down.
  • The Mafiya: Putlova's people are looking to get back at SAMCRO, hitting their ammo production point at Wahewa.
  • My Girl Is Not a Slut: Opie is still not happy with Lyla continuing to act in porn even after their marriage.
  • Politically Incorrect Hero: Roosevelt is unhappy to see that there were no black members in SAMCRO.
  • Properly Paranoid: Gemma is worried that the truth about John's death may hurt her family and that Tara may use that information against her.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Jax isn't thrilled to hear that Clay is going to transport coke for the Cartel.
