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Recap / Sons Of Anarchy S 1 E 8

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Ernest Darby receives some blackmail material on SAMCRO from Kohn and decides to share this with the Mayans in order to destroy the competition. Meanwhile, the Sons are scrambling for the money for another gun shipment, using whatever means necessary.

  • Alone with the Psycho: Tara is held hostage by Kohn who attempts to take her back. Thankfully, she gets a hold of his gun.
  • Boom, Headshot!: Jax shoots Kohn in the head after hearing him insult Tara.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Half-Sack decides to steal an ambulance and get it to the auto shop to earn $15,000. It quickly backfires on him as it can't be sold, but it's later used to save Cameron Hayes' life.
  • Enemy Mine: Darby gives Alvarez evidence to take out the Sons in exchange for the control of Charming.
  • Killed Offscreen: McKeavey is revealed to have been murdered by thet Oakland port commissioner.
  • Murder by Mistake: The Mayan hitmen attack the Nords' compound and kill a person who looks a bit like Darby, while the real one manages to hide from them.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Even when trying to ally with Alvarez, Darby doesn't miss a chance to insult him on the account of his race. This gives Alvarez enough incentive to take out the Nords as well.
  • Rescue Sex: After getting over the initial shock of Kohn's death, Jax and Tara have sex in the room with his dead body lying there.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Kohn assaults Tara and holds her at gunpoint, trying to "save" her from Jax.
