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Recap / Sealab 2021 S 2 E 8 Feast Of Alvis

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Alvis bless us every one!

It's almost Alvistide, a holiday celebrating the birth of Alvis, a Jesus expy known for his love of alcohol and revenge. Murphy is insisting that Sealab hold an Alvistide pageant, despite the fact that the mother of the baby playing Alvis objects to putting her baby daughter under floodlights, the circuit breakers can't produce enough power to light it (and the only way to get it to do so would start a fire), the buffaloes are crapping everywhere, and the most important reason, it's offensive to non-Alvians to put this pageant on.

Murphy is incensed to find out there are non-Alvians on board Sealab, and even tries to fire Sparks when he finds out Sparks is Malkin (their version of Wiccan). He tries claiming that he's been tolerant to Krebs (Jews) and Shiekrahs (Muslims) by holding events for them too so it was the Alvians' turn. Stormy is stuck in the elevator on top of a buffalo and drunk, threatening to beat up any non-Alvians. Murphy ends up offending Marco when he claims the latter is both Thonic (Catholic) and a Spaniard, and he goes to beat up Stormy.

The disasters suddenly get worse, with a health inspector fining Murphy for his buffet testing positive for fecal matter, the baby's mother pulling the baby out of the pageant and calling Family Services on him, a fire starting just like the electrician predicted, and a stampede knocking Murphy out.

Murphy laments that Alvistide is ruined, when a vision of none other than Alvis appears before him, telling him that the point of Alvistide is not pomp, but drinking and revenge. Then he turns the eggnog into whiskey and admits that he was the one that crapped the buffet. Murphy declares it a Alvistide miracle.

The Stinger: Virjay says that Murphy probably hallucinated the entire thing due to a concussion, Murphy insists it was real and they were going to get revenge on the Krebs, Virjay points out that Alvis was a Kreb, and Murphy dismisses him cause he's Mandu (Hindu).
