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Recap / Sealab 2021 S 2 E 13 Return To Oblivion

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You'll barely know I'm here.

It's the second 'behind the scenes' episode, the sequel to "Swimming in Oblivion" and everything has gone severely downhill since. It's filming for the episode "All That Jazz". Miller is now an alcoholic and still blaming Hal for bad takes even when it's not his fault (such as the robot playing Ben breaking). Sealab has been embroiled in scandals.

J.J., a Brain in a Jar with two extra brains to be Yes Men, is the executive running Williams Street, and sends his number two man Prescott, a half man half octopus, to investigate Sealab and find out if it can be saved.

Back on set, Ellis is jumping on the soda machine so hard Hal's back is breaking when Prescott shows up and over Miller's objections starts investigating.

Erik isn't pleased to find out Prescott is here either, and tells Ellis to make sure he doesn't come near his trailer because the network must never know what he's doing inside. Kate is meanwhile complaining about the writers again, how they constantly make her a slut, and then tries to give Prescott a tentacle job. Prescott begs off, first by claiming that she grabbed his potty tentacle, then by claiming to be gay.

Brett is again mad because they changed his character into a crime solver with Kid from Kid 'n' Play as his partner. The twins talk to Prescott, who doesn't like how unhealthy the craft food table looks, and they tell him they're actually seventeen, before Virjay comes by to give them 'special vitamins'.

Prescott finally talks to Erik, is suspicious of a fishy smell coming from his trailer, and tells Erik he needs to actually appear on set more. Erik tells him that if he's complaining about that, go talk to Sparks's actor Bill Logan, who is now in a number of movies as a James Bond-like character who's always sitting in a chair. Bill claims there's enough of him to do the movies and Sealab while he records an idea for his next movie.

As Ellis tells the twins to keep their mouths shut, Prescott's on the phone with J.J. claiming that everything's too suspicious and J.J. tells him to get to the bottom of it. Elsewhere, Debbie Love (playing herself, apparently) is mad because she plays a kindergarten teacher, but they dressed her in gold lamé and gave her a gun prop. Prescott unsuccessfully tries to flirt with her before asking Brett if they could talk.

Back on set, Miller is ranting about how the filming doesn't matter, all it'll get him is money and a wife cheating on him. Brett comes down and tells him that Prescott knows everything. At the same time, Prescott is confronting Virjay about injecting the twins with human anti-growth serum to make sure they don't age and become too old for the show. When Virjay claims this is nothing compared to what Erik's doing, Prescott finds out that Erik's been slaughtering dolphins and selling the meat.

As Ellis and Kate try to escape, Prescott calls in a bunch of helicopters to shut down the set, arrest Erik for animal abuse, take the twins to child services, get rid of the too many helicopters in the sky, and censor Kate's bare breasts. Virjay and the twins take turns beating each other up. Prescott tells J.J. there's no salvaging the series and burns the set down, while Hal and Miller are still trapped inside. Miller commits suicide.

Back in his office, J.J. congratulates Prescott on getting rid of Sealab. Brett, it turns out, was the informant the whole time, and Prescott comments that at least they got a new show out of it.

The Stinger: A commercial for said new show, 'Chunk: Private Investigator', a blaxploitative crime drama starring Brett as the title character, Debbie Love as Golden Brown, Kid as Huggy Kid, and a now paralyzed and bald Hal as Mr. Big.
