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Recap / Primeval S 5 E 3

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While Matt tracks down a raptor in Victorian London and reunites with Emily, Abby ponders whether she should listen to Matt's warnings about Phillip and Connor.

  • All Myths Are True: A combination of a time-displaced raptor's grisly kills, and Emily's strange outfit she wears when she's trying to track it down give rise to the legend of Spring-Heeled Jack.
  • Chekhov's Gun: The outfit Emily wears ends up coming in handy when Henry shoots her and it stops the bullet from reaching her skin.
  • The Dog Bites Back: Throughout the episode, Emily has a hard time refusing the orders of her abusive husband, Henry. She eventually gets fed up and leaves through the anomaly against his orders.
  • The Future Is Shocking: When Henry Merchant follows Emily through the anomaly, he's horrified by the exhibits in the art museum and assumes that she's put some kind of spell on him.
  • It's All About Me: Henry tries to have Emily put away in an asylum because her years-long absence and odd behavior are tarnishing his image.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Abby is initially unsure if she wants to betray Connor's trust and snoop on him. To scare Abby into backing off, April threatens her job. All this does is convince Abby that something's definitely wrong with what Phillip and Connor are doing.
  • Wham Shot: Doubles as a Cliffhanger. Connor and April turn on the machine they've been working on, and it creates the world's first man-made anomaly.
