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Recap / Primeval S 3 E 5

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An anomaly to the future opens up in a wealthy businessman's flat, and he becomes infected by a highly contagious and deadly fungus. Meanwhile, Danny Quinn breaks into the ARC, demanding that they let him join the team.

  • Contrasting Sequel Main Character: The hotblooded and Indiana Jones-esque Danny is brought on as the new team leader at the end of the episode, making him this to Nick Cutter.
  • Festering Fungus: The main focus of the episode. It's a species from the future that takes over the body of a host and mutates them into a horrific monster to spread their spores.
  • Jerkass: Sir Richard Bentley. When his employee calls him, unable to speak because he's coughing so violently, his immediate response is to fire him. It's hard to feel bad for him when he finally gets turned by the fungus.
  • Kill It with Fire: The team tries to do this to the fungus creatures, assuming that they'd die from the lack of moisture. All it does is accelerate the fungus' growth. Connor soon realizes that they need to...
  • Kill It with Ice: The fungus is averse to the cold, so they lure the creature into the ARC and set the temperature as low as it can go.
  • Lost in Transmission: Narrowly subverted. Sarah urgently calls Jenny's cellphone to warn her that burning the fungus creature to try and contain the fungus will backfire catastrophically, but since Jenny and the team are hunting the creature underground, interference stops Jenny from getting the message (instead, Jenny thinks Sarah is telling her to press forward). Sarah manages to get the words through to the other end and Jenny manages to call off the rest of the team when they're seconds away from using flamethrowers on the cornered fungus creature.
  • Put on a Bus: Jenny leaves the team after nearly freezing to death in the ARC, and finding out that Cutter was telling the truth about Claudia Brown.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: After her assistant is infected by the fungus, Christine angrily accuses Lester of killing her man. Lester retorts by asking if she'd care to explain why he was trespassing in a secure area.
  • Too Dumb to Live:
    • Bentley's assistant. He walks through the Anomaly after being told not to touch anything, inhales some of the fungus' spores, and while he's choking on said spores, he opts to call his boss instead of an emergency service for help.
    • Also Christine's assistant, Mark Baker, who sneaks into a restricted laboratory, sees something in a secure container, opens said container and touches its contents. It ends up with him being infected by the fungus.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Bentley's assistant Lloyd stumbles through the Anomaly, and is never seen again once it closes with him on the other side. It can be safely assumed that he succumbed to the fungus and turned into a creature.
