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Recap / Power Rangers Super Samurai S2E14 The Master Returns

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With Xandred’s tantrums getting worse without Dayu’s presence, his learning of Serrator’s machinations drives him to the surface, and a confrontation with the Rangers.


  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Xandred performs one to show exactly why he's the Big Bad.
  • Handicapped Badass: Xandred was crippled with drying out yet still manages to wipe the floor with Jayden.
  • Mass "Oh, Crap!": Everyone's reaction to Master Xandred finally coming to Earth himself. Including Serrator!
  • Wham Episode: Xandred temporarily arrives on Earth to effortlessly beat all the Rangers, shrug off all of their attacks, hitting Jayden hard enough to de-morph and seriously injure him, and sending Serrator running in fear. Note that he does all of this while rapidly drying out!
  • Worf Had the Flu: When Master Xandred makes his first appearence to the Rangers he rapidly dries out moments after getting to Earth due to the previous generation's seal on him. However, far from being weaker than expected, he was immensely powerful and his needing to retreat to avoid crumbling away is the only reason that the Rangers survived!
