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Recap / Power Rangers Jungle Fury S1E3 Sigh of the Tiger

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Despite his skill in playing catch up with ranger weapons last episode, Casey still feels like he needs some extra training to keep up with his more experienced teammates. RJ says that he can help with that, but that Casey needs to trust him, and do exactly what he says.

This would be tested as the new Rinshi monster Buffalord begins to reek havoc on the city, and RJ's tasks feel...ordinary and unconnected.


  • Foreshadowing: RJ uses a swoop technique in a training session with Casey and Lily. This becomes important later on as we find out who taught him the technique.
  • Innocuously Important Episode: At the start of the episode, we see Camille is determined to win Dai Shi's affections.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Lily and Theo ditch Fran when a big birthday party is held at the Pizza Parlor. So, RJ has the two clean up the mess while he treats Fran for ice cream.
  • Rookie Red Ranger: Discussed in this episode. Casey knows he's miles away from Theo and Lily in training, which is why he asks RJ for extra training.
  • Wax On, Wax Off: RJ has Casey doing seemingly menial tasks while his friends are fighting for their lives. When Casey finally has enough, RJ demonstrates how all but one of them can be applied on the battlefield.
    Casey: Whoa, what about the whole shoulder-rub-thing, how does that help me?
    RJ: Oh, that doesn't - I just slept funny last night.
