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Recap / Power Rangers Dino Charge S1E2 Past, Present And Fusion

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Sometime before the events of the previous episode, Riley Griffin, a young ranch-hand and fencing enthusiast, is helping his older brother Matt take care of some chores when the family dog runs off. The dog leads him to Fury, who attempts to silence the dog for its constant barking before Riley intervenes, armed with a metal rod. While he is skilled, he is no match for Fury's raw power, and the rod gets embedded into a rock face... containing a raptor fossil and Energem.

The Energem transforms the rod into a Dino Saber, and Riley successfully fends off Fury. After receiving a vision of a Velociraptor from the Energem, he decides to go to the dinosaur museum in Amber Beach to get some answers. His bike breaks down on the way to the city, and he is found by Tyler and Shelby, hot off the heels of their fight with Iceage.

They pick him up, only to find a couple who have been in a car crash, instinctively harnessing the Energems' power to throw the car off the husband before the gas tank explodes. Seeing Riley also has a gem, Tyler guesses he's on his way to the museum, too.

Arriving at the museum, Tyler, Shelby and Riley follow Chase and Koda down a secret passageway to a lab underneath the museum. They find Chase and Koda, along with Keeper and Kendall, who reveal the Energems' origin and welcome the three to the Power Rangers. Kendall explains that Chase and Koda were recruited when it was found that they had bonded to their Energems, and that their mission is to regain the remaining five Energems before Fury can get to them.

Kendall sends the Rangers to investigate mysterious seismic activity on the outskirts of town, although Tyler has to stay at the base due to his Energem malfunctioning. As the others make it to the site, they discover the T. rex Zord has begun going on a rampage, which is what caused the gem's power to fluctuate.

The Zord heads to the city to find Iceage and an army of Vivix attacking. Tyler heads to the scene, using the Dino Chargers - special batteries created by Kendall to contain an Energem's power - and his morpher to once again morph into Dino Charge Red. He is soon joined by the others, and they proceed to beat the monsters together.

As the Rangers return to the base, Chase tells Keeper that the monster they fought was not Fury, who they thought to be the only one left on Earth. Keeper concludes that this must mean Sledge has returned to Earth. Meanwhile, on his ship, Sledge asks his alien prisoners which one of them can destroy him a Power Ranger...

Tropes used in this episode:

  • Curb-Stomp Battle: The rangers vs Iceage; the rangers go to town on the Vivix, tearing through dozens of them each. Tyler being the Red Ranger goes after Iceage and the Vivizords, and defeats Iceage singlehanded, as well as destroying a Vivizord with just his sword. Granted he was augmented by his T-Rex zord, but still...
  • Evil-Detecting Dog: Riley's dog Rubik goes crazy and chases after something in the woods. It turns out to be Fury.
  • Gilligan Cut: Tyler and Shelby find Riley on the side of the road on his broken-down scooter and offer him a lift, but he refuses, saying that he just needs to stick to the owner's manual. A truck drives by, sending the manual flying off his hands... cut to him sitting sadly in the back of Tyler's Jeep.
  • Invocation: The ranger call for the season appears to be 'Unleash the Power', while the 'It's Morphin' Time!' is again used as a precursive version.
  • Kick the Dog: Fury would have killed Riley's dog Rubik for no other reason but that Rubik annoyed him had Riley not jumped in.
  • Mooks: The Vivix, which can combine to form Vivizords.
  • Mythology Gag: Tyler's "It's about to get wild!", the first half of his Sentai counterpart's pre-battle catchphrase.
  • The Reveal: The dig that Kendall, Koda and Chase went to was in fact to search for more Energems. Keeper also reveals at the end that the only alien they know to be on Earth was Fury. Therefore if there is more looking for the Energems, then that means Sledge is back.
  • The Stinger: As the credits roll, a shot of Sledge's ship pans upwards, and Sledge is revealed to have hundreds of prisoners ready to send to Earth to recapture the Energems.
  • Second Episode Introduction: Riley, and to a lesser extent Chase, Koda and Kendall. Riley gets the most screentime given he missed out on appearing in the prior episode, but consequently he is the last of the core five to find his Energem. Koda and Chase are already revealed to have their gems, and Kendall is the Mission Control alongside Keeper for the season.
