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Recap / Pokemon S 9 E 13 Queen Of The Serpentine

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Our heroes arrive at the Battle Pike. Ash challenges the Frontier Brain, Pike Queen Lucy, to a battle for the Luck Symbol.


  • All Love Is Unrequited: Noticeably averted. Brock flirts with Lucy like he does every pretty girl he sees, but although she doesn't act on it, Lucy actually returns his feelings.
  • Clint Squint: Turns out that this is a big turn-on for Lucy. It's why she develops a crush on Brock, and she also has several squinty-eyed Pokémon at home.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Pikachu defeats Lucy's Milotic by jumping into its Twister attack and using its rotation to turn already powerful Volt Tackle into a Spinning Piledriver move.
    • Earlier during Donphan's fight with Seviper this happens three times in short sequence - first Seviper tries to hide in fog, only to reveal its position due to liberal usage of Flamethrower. Then, once it becomes clear that Donphan will be unable to avoid said attack, Ash instead orders it to use it to power up its Rollout attack. Finally, Seviper dodges the attack by jumping up, but ends up leaving itself wide open for another attack, which Ash and Donphan immediately take advantage of.
  • If It's You, It's Okay: Lucy to Ash and gang. Originally, the Frontier Brain challenge was closed for the day, but Lucy makes an exception, as "friends are always welcome" because she secretly liked Brock.
