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Recap / Pokemon S 5 E 6 Octillery The Outcast

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When the trio finally makes it to the Whirl Cup qualification rounds, they are asked by a young trainer named Marcellus to help his Remoraid evolve into Octillery. They succeed, but even then his newly evolved Pokémon does not qualify. Ash and Misty manage to win their fights, however, and Marcellus invites them to his family aquarium that holds many Remoraid. The new Octillery then finds out that its friends want nothing to do with it anymore.


  • All for Nothing: Marcellus has Ash and Misty use their Pokémon to battle his Remoraid in order to make it evolve (the contest rules say that the water Pokémon must be able to fight on both land and sea, which Remoraid can't do but Octillery can). While the plan works to make Remoraid evolve, it still doesn't manage to win. Marcellus feels better after encouragement from Misty, however.
  • All-Loving Hero: Octillery saves the other Remoraid from Team Rocket in spite of their previous treatment.
  • All of the Other Reindeer: The Remoraid won't even acknowledge their leader after it evolves into an Octillery. They even attack it at one point. Things improve after Octillery saves them from Team Rocket.
  • Call-Back: Once again, Ash is forced to dress up as a Pokémon to solve a problem. It has even less success than last time.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Jessie is a little uncomfortable around the Remoraid. Evidently, they remind her of some elementary school teacher she had.
