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Recap / Pleasant Goat And Big Big Wolf Episode 1

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Chinese title: "狼来了" ("Láng láile")
English title: "The Wolves Come (Part 1)"

A brief history of the wolf clan and their attempts to capture and eat the goats in Goat Village is given. Then we are sent to the main plot of the episode, which involves Wolffy disguising himself as one of Mr. Slowy's relatives in his own effort to catch the goats.

This episode contains the following tropes:

  • Ass in a Lion Skin: This is the first of what would become many episodes where Wolffy's scheme involves him dressing up as a goat and claiming he's one.
  • Disguised in Drag: Wolffy's Little Red Riding Hood-looking red hood and lipstick indicate that he's disguised as a female goat.
  • Distant Prologue: The episode begins with an introduction to the wolves and their history with attempting and failing to capture the goats, which took place in the year 3010 whereas the rest of the series is supposed to be in the year 3513.
  • Embarrassing Slide: Mr. Slowy wants to show the goats a picture of a wolf so that they know what it looks like and so that they can avoid them, but Weslie remarks that the one in the picture doesn't look dangerous. Sparky realizes it's actually a picture of Slowy as a baby, and most of the rest of the goat kids laugh before Slowy is able to show them an actual picture of a wolf.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: This episode doesn't start with the standard Episode Title Card, instead giving a backstory behind the wolves, introducing Wolffy and Wolnie, and then showing the title and continuing normally with the episode.
  • Establishing Character Moment:
    • The first thing Paddi is seen doing is sleeping through the school's celebration. Weslie has to drag him over to Goat School and wake him up, establishing Paddi as a heavy sleeper.
    • Mr. Slowy has a list of things that he wants the goats to do to remain safe when they're playing, but he's very slow at doing it and is later established to be slower at walking than a snail is at moving as well. This sets him up as a slow, but wise elder.
  • Five-Episode Pilot: This and the episode immediately following it are advertised as a two-part episode.
  • Fur Is Clothing: When Weslie realizes the visiting goat is actually Wolffy wearing a disguise, he uses a fan to blow the outfit off him. The fan also blows off some of his fur, revealing he's wearing Goofy Print Underwear.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: The wolves' leader, Martial Wolf, comes up with the idea for him and his pack to deliberately starve themselves so that they will be able to fit through the bars of Goat Village's gate. This doesn't work out well for Martial Wolf, who eats a rock after entering the village and dies.
  • Slower Than a Snail: Slowy is barely able to walk past a snail mother and her child in one scene. The snail child asks its mother if she deceived it, as she had told it that snails are the slowest animal.
  • White Bunny: Wolffy briefly mistakes the goats for rabbits due to their white wool, asking if they like to eat carrots.
  • Wolves Always Howl at the Moon: The introductory scene explains why they howl at the moon - it's to commemorate Martial Wolf and his efforts to capture and eat goats.
